4 reasons to make the most of water - by Ian Tennant

4 reasons to make the most of water - by Ian Tennant

Weirdness of water

An aspect of my health that I find most challenging is water consumption. At the moment, I live in a city so it’s pretty unlikely that I’ll find a local spring to supply me with fresh, unadulterated water from deep within the earth’s surface. I’ve known for a long time that plastic-bottled mineral water contains leached hormone-mimicking phthalates and that sewage treatment plants are not able to monitor or remove all of the waste prescription drugs and other contaminants that can make their way into our tap water. Yet for far too long, plumbing one of those fancy multi-stage water filters into my mains kept getting shunted to the bottom of my to-do list. All of that changed recently, when I reviewed some literature covering the weird and wonderful properties of water. What I discovered has given me a kick up the backside and reignited my desire to give the clear stuff a little more respect. I’m going to share a bit of this information with you today.

Energising water
One of the most striking demonstrations of the need to treat water in the right way comes from experiments conducted by the Healing Water Institute that compare wheat seeds grown in ordinary tap water, to water which had been through energising processes similar to those found as water tumbles through streams, river and waterfalls. The seeds grow much better after some turbulence. To prove that the enhanced growth isn’t just due to an oxygenation effect, the samples were also compared to tap water with air bubbled through it for the same length of time.

These experiments back up the influential work of Viktor Schauberger almost 100 years ago who developed theories based on the movement of water in nature as well as current work from Dr Pollack on the properties of water at interfaces. It was after reading about Viktor’s work a few years ago that I started indulging in a bit of witchcraft — vortexing tap water by hand in demi-john bottles to liven it up before drinking.

The weirdness of water
So, it seems that plain old tap water isn’t so plain. If you cast your mind back to school chemistry lessons, you may remember learning about hydrogen bonds and their role in allowing ice to float on water. The well-known peculiar properties of water are understood to be the result of short-range interactions spread uniformly throughout a body of water. However, what most scientists are unaware of are the long-range effects of water molecules which can vibrate ‘in phase’, like a single molecule. Picture clubbers who start off dancing randomly (out of phase) to a tune but when the DJ lets the beat drop, they begin to bounce together (in phase). All of a sudden the dance floor and the people on it are emitting their own penetrating wave. It has been proven that areas of water vibrating coherently in this way allow water to record information and may even explain how homeopathy works.

Homeopaths often use water to successively dilute a ‘medicinal’ material until there is no physical trace of the substance left. According to mainstream science, this means that the homeopathic preparation cannot have a physiological effect on our bodies. However, a neat set of experiments using a phenomena exploited for MRI scans know as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance studies (NMR) has shown that these dilutions not only keep the memory of the dissolved substance but that they also emit recordable electromagnetic signals. Quite impressively, these findings were made by a French virologist who also received a Nobel Prize in medicine for his discovery of the HIV virus. This work is backed up by microcalorimetry studies that have shown homeopathic solutions have heat signatures (temperature difference created when solutions are mixed with pure water) higher than that of pure water.

Many readers will be familiar with the work of Emoto, which suggests that emotions ‘imprinted’ on water can influence the way that ice crystals forms. Positive, loving emotions result in beautiful snowflake-like crystals. Negative emotions result in turbulent-looking, distorted crystals. The beautiful images published by Emoto have captured people’s imagination yet critics doubt Emoto’s methodology and find his experiments difficult to repeat. The NMR and microcalorimetry studies, offer ‘waterproof’ evidence to support Emoto’s hypothesis.

Health as a journey
The old line that we’re made up of 70 percent water and so must drink lots has become a bit of a dry old chestnut. In fact, in terms of the number of molecules, we’re actually made up of over 99 percent water molecules. For me health is a continual journey, and as I accumulate more information along the way, I try to match that knowledge by changing my habits. Vortexing water and more recently, installing a filter at home are small steps I’ve taken to remind myself that good quality water is very important for our vitality. The next step will be to remember to take some of that water in a glass bottle to work each day and try to persuade the boss to plumb in a unit for the whole team. What steps will you take?

Ian Tennant


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