What is Samhain?
-The Witches New Year-
Into the portal the witches shall go to hear the call of the ancestors flow
Connect our spirit this Samhain night
Insight, wisdom bring to light
Samhain (pronounced Sow-wen) is the third harvest and means Summer's end in Gaelic. The end of the brighter half of the year and the beginning of the darker half of the year, winter. It falls on Halloween night and is considered the end of the Celtic year.
It is a magical time when the veil between our world and the Otherworld is the thinnest. Allowing connection with the spiritual world to be much more prominent.
The change of the seasons also signifies a transition in life. A release of the old, and a beginning of the new.
It is customary to honor those who have passed and to do divination for the year to come.
Rituals to harness the magical energy of Samhain.
Create a beautiful Ancestor altar in their honor.
On a table, tray, bowl, box or anything else that resonates with you. Create a sacred place to collect the following items:
-To Begin-
-Apply The Signature Blend Essential Oil Perfume- consisting of many essences associated with the traditions of Samhain. This will invoke the proper energy for this sacred ritual.
- Find and display a picture of your passed loved ones.
-An item that belonged to them. Jewelry, heirloom, or clothing.
-Seasonal fruit and herbs such as; apples, pumpkin, pomegranate, cloves, cinnamon, sage, mugwort & cypress.
-Seasonal flowers to honor the turning of the season.
-Choose a crystal that symbolizes Hollow's Eve- Bloodstone, amber, onyx, and/or smoky quartz.
-Once you have collected all of your items-
-Light a candle for each person you are honoring.
-Pour a glass of wine symbolizing an offering.
-Write a letter of gratitude to them.
-Share a story of them. This is one of the greatest ways the dead lives on.
-Ask your ancestors for assistance regarding something in your life.
-Take a moment of silence in meditation to hear what they say.
-Seal the space with The Aura Clearing Mist or herb of your choice.