Zoom Renaissance Lightning Silver Cleansing Mineral Water<br>Exsula Superfoods
Zoom Renaissance Lightning Silver Cleansing Mineral Water<br>Exsula Superfoods

Renaissance Lightning Silver Cleansing Mineral Water
Exsula Superfoods


Renaissance Lightning Silver: Iodine and Silver Fortified Mineral Water

Life should be amazing and you should feel fantastic every moment of it at any age! That is God’s design.

  • All 15 Essential Minerals
  • All 27 Additional Known To Be Useful Minerals
  • All 24 Rare Earths & Synergistic Trace Elements
  • 66 Specific Power Minerals Total Plus Others As Found In Seawater
  • 306 Homeopathic Mineral Elixirs
  • 79 Wilderness Flower & Herbal Infusions
  • 21 Energetic Waters
  • 26 Ethereal Anointing Oils
  • 17 Land & Sea Plant & Mineral Deposit Blends
  • 13 Herbals Blend

Super-concentrated ~ Makes 25 gallons at full strength ~ 67 day supply.

An Energetically Prepared Blend Of Orgone Infused 3x Tachyonized & Magnetic Vortex Activated 24-Laser Quantum Merkaba Patterned, Catalytic (Able To Activate Other Water 1,000-Fold) Waters From Concentrated Mineral Waters Including 2 Monatomic Iridium-Rich Volcanic Sources, Rainier Source Silver Lightning Water, Salt-Removed Deep Pacific Ocean & Inland Sea Waters, ZamZam Spring Water (Genesis 21:14-20) & 6 Other “Sacred Place” Waters, Glacial Milk, IoWater (Colloidal Iodine Water) & Life Crystals Solar Activated Grape Wine & Brandy (Less than 0.1% Alcohol).

Aleipho Elaia
(“Anointing Blend of Sumptuously Fragrant Essences In Olive Oil” ~ Mk 6:13, Lk 7:38 & 46, James 5:14) Oils of Olive (7 Types), XtraPure Lecithin, Plus Ethereals of Lavender, Lemongrass, Sage (African, Clary, Mountain & White), Eucalyptus Citriodora, Litsea, Black Spruce, Frankincense, Myrrh, Spikenard, Galbanum, White Rose, Nutmeg, Allspice, Ylang, Oud & Cinnamon.

Land & Sea Plant & Mineral Blend Coral (Cal. & Min.), Silica-Rich Bamboo Sap Biological Nano Crystals, Antediluvian Soft Fossilized Organics, Shilajit Unfossilized Ancient Organics, Fulvic Acid, Bohm Certified Deep-Mined Himalayan Salt, 7 Specific Iridium Rich Deposits, Diatomaceous (Fresh & Salt Water Types ~ Silica), Zeolite, Food Grade Charcoal, Specific Colloidal Preparations of Cesium, Copper, Deuterium, Germanium 132, Gold, Indium, Iodine, Iridium, Lithium, Magnetite, Palladium, Phosphorus, Platinum, Potassium, Rhodium, Rubidium, Strontium, Sulfur & Zinc.

A Specially Prepared Tea Of Flax, Pau D’ Arco, Turmeric, Slippery Elm, Black Cumin, Elderberry, Bilberry, Red Beet Juice, 3 Types Of Washington Sage, Red Rose Petals & Saffron.

(Energetic Aqua Vapor Activated) Exsula’s 306 7177 Homeopathic Eden Fountains Mineral Elixirs:

Achondrite (Olivine Meteorite), Agate (Apricot, Black, Fire, Madagascar Moss, Ocean Spray, Portal), Agatized Ammonite, Ajoite, Alexandrite, Altaite, Amazonite, Amber, Amethyst (Ametrine, Blue, Gold, Green & Purple), Anatase, Andradite, Apatite, Apophyllite, Aquamarine, Aragonite, Arthurite, Astrophyllite, Atelestite, Aventurine (Green & Peach), Axinite, Azeztulite (Himalayas Nepal, N. Carolina & Satyaloka India), Azurite, Balentinite, Beta Quartz, Blood Stone, Boji Stone, Botryogen, Boussingaultite, Bravoite, Brookite, Bustamite-Rhodonite, Calaverite, Calcite (Optical, Orange, Pink, Red & Yellow), Carnelian, Catlinite, Celestite (Portal), Cerussite, Chalcanthite, Chalcedony (Blue, Caribbean Blue & Grey), Chrysanthemum Stone, Chrysoberyl, Citrine, Covellite, Creedite, Cubanite, Cumberlandite, Datolite, Diamond, Diaspore, Dioptase (Tsumeb Namibia), Duftite, Dyscrasite, Eilat Stone, Emerald, Enhydros (Amethyst & Quartz), Euclase, Evansite, Faustite, Flint, Fluorite (Blue, Clear, Green, Purple, Red-Brown, Violet, Yellow & Yittrian), Franckeite, Fulgurite Lightning Glass (Morocco), Galena, Garnet, Germanite, Goldstone (Black & Red), Goyazite, Greenockite, Halite, Hanksite, Hematite, Herkimer Diamond, Heterosite, Heulandite, Hiddenite, Horneblende, Howlite, Idocrase, Iolite, Iridosmine, Jade (Green), Jasper (Picasso & Red), Jeremejevite, Jet, Joaquinite, Julienite, Kainosite, Kaolinite, Kornerupine, Kunzite (Pink), Labradorite (Madagascar), Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Leifite, Lepidolite-Hyphenate Quartz, Libethenite, Limonite, Lodestone, Magnesioferrite, Malachite, Manganosite, Marcasite, Marialite, Matlockite, Melanite, Merkabas (Amethyst & Quartz), Mesolite, Millerite, Mitridatite, Monazite, Mookaite, Moonstone (Peach & White), Mordenite, Morganite, Muscovite, Native Copper (Namibia), Natrolite, Natrophyllite, Nepheline, Nephrite, Neptunite, Niccolite, Norbergite, Nuummit, Obsidian (Green, Rainbow & Red Ice), Ocho, Okenite, Opal (Australian, Blue, Fire, Green, Peruvian, Pink, Red & White), Orange Calcite, Orthoclase, Sumilite, Owyheeite, Paracelsian, Pascoite, Pecos Diamond, Penninite, Peridot, Perobskite, Petalite, Petrified Wood (Ginkgo), Phenomenite, Phrenite, Picasso Stone, Picrolite, Pietersite (Namibia & Nepal), Prehnite, Pyrite, Quartz (Blue-Rutile-Tourmaline-Zoisite, Citrine-Smoky, Cornicopia, Dark Orange Tourmaline, Dendritic, Elestial, Faden, Golden Healer, Green, Harlequin, Included-Carbon-Limonite, Lepidocrocite, Lithium, Lumerian Elestial, Milky, Moss, Phantom-Chlorite-Caledonite-Carnelian, Raspberry, Red, Rose, Sceptre, Self-Healed, Smoky, Snow, Spiral, Spirit, Strawberry, Tangerine, Tibetan Black, Twin, Water Clear & White with Gold Veins), Ramsdellite, Red Coral, Reddingite, Rhodochrosite, Rosophia, Ruby-Carnelian-Chlorite, Rutile, Sagenite, Sainfeldite, Sapphire (Blue-Star, Green, Indigo, Parti, Purple, White & Yellow), Sarcolite, Sardonyx, Scapolite, Scawtite, Schalenblende, Selenite, Sellaite, Seraphinite, Serafina Chlorite, Siderite, Sillimanite, Sinhalite, Skan, Smithsonite, Sodalite, Spessartine, Sphaerocobaltite, Spinel (Black, Green & Yellow), Spiral Shells, Staurolite, Steatite, Stephanite, Stibnite, Stichtite, Strombolite, Strontianite, Sugilite, Sunstone, Taaffeite, Tantalite, Tanzanite, Tektite (Moldavite Czech, Philippines, Sahara Desert & Tasmanian Meteorite Glass), Tenorite, Tephroite, Thalenite, Thaumasite, Thomsonite, Thoreaulite, Thulite, Thunderegg, Tiger Iron (Golden Tiger Eye, Red Jasper & Black Hematite), Topaz (Blue, Clear, Golden, Multi-Colored & Goethite-“Rutilated”), Touchstone, Tourmaline (Black, Blue, Clear, Green, Neon Blue, Orange, Pink, Rubellite-Red-Violet, Lepidolite, Sunset, Watermelon & Yellow), Transvaal Jade, Tremolite (Sedona & Peru), Trevorite, Triphylite, Tripliodite, Trona, Tsavorite, Tsumebite, Tufa, Tugtupite, Tungstenite, Tunnelite, Turgite, Turquoise, Ulexite, Ullmannite, Unakite, Ussingite, Uvarovite, Valencianite, Variscite, Verdite, Veszelyite, Wadeite, Wagnerite, Wakefieldite, Wardite, Wavellite, Weeksite, Wherryite, Wholerite, Wilkeite, Willemite, Witherite, Wolframite, Woodhouseite, Woodwardite, Wulfenite, Xanthoconite, Xenotime, Xonolite, Zaratite, Zebra Rock, Zeolite-Quartz (Puna), Zincite (Polish), Zircon, Zoisite-Ruby, Zunyite & Proprietary Others

79 Homeopahic Wilderness Flower & Herbal Infusions: Aloe Vera, Angelica, Angelsword, Arnica, Balsam Poplar, Banksia Robur, Bauhinia, Billy Goat Plum, Bluebell, Blueberry Pollen, Boab, Bog Blueberry, Bottlebrush, Bush Iris, Calendula, Chamomile, Carnation, Cattail Pollen, Cedarwood, Chiming Bells Flowers, Christmas Bell, Cloudberry, Cotton Grass, Crowea, Dagger Hakea, Dandelion, Dog Rose, Echinacea, Echinopanax Horridum, Fairy Slipper, Fireweed, Five Corners, Flannel Flower, Fringad Violet, Gardenia, Grass of Parnassus, Grove Sandwort, Himalayan Cedar, Illawarra Flame Tree, Labrador Tea Flowers, Ladies’ Mantle, Ladies’ Tresses, Lavender (Kashmir & Mailette), Lime, Little Flannel Flower, Macrocarpa, Mandrake (Mand. Off.), Melissa, Mint Bush, N. Alberta Sweetgrass Flower, Nootka Lupin, N. Lady’s Slipper Flowers, Old Man Banksia, Outback Lichen, Pasque Flower, Peppermint, Philotheca, Prickly Wild Rose, Purple Poppy, Red Helmet Orchid, Red Lily, Red Suva, Rangipani, River Beauty, Round Leaf Orchid, Round Leaved Sundew, Sandalwood, Sitka Burnet, Southern Cross, Stuart Desert Rose, Sunshine Wattle, Tundra Rose, Wedding Bush, White Fireweed, White Violet, Wild Potato Bush, Wisteria, Yarrow Flowers, Yellow Cowslip Orchid, Yellow Dryas, Ylang Ylang

Directions for Use:

Use as directed. Dilute before use. Intended for ongoing use.

Shake before dispensing. Then shake or stir concentrate into your best chlorine-free spring water (under 250ppm total dissolved solids) or reverse osmosis water to activate.




2 teaspoons per 16 oz

2 teaspoons per 16 oz

2 teaspoons per 16 oz


Begin with a few drops the first day to allow your body to adjust to the increase in nutritional iodine and minerals. Increase gradually day by day after that for the next 3 days, up to 2 teaspoons per 16 ounces, up to 3 times per day for every 150 pounds of body weight. Adjust the serving amount accordingly.

Space servings as evenly as practical a few hours apart. It is better to sip it gradually so you are just finishing one serving as you are starting the next.

You may wish to continue increasing your Lightning serving size to your optimum personal amount to meet silver utilization opportunities which may temporarily require up to triple the basic amount.

Add your Renaissance & Water blend to foods, juices, additional water, and/or other beverages, and may be consumed before, during, or after meals.

May be blended ahead of time at the ratio of 2.5 to 5 ounces per gallon of pure water.

Very Important
Too much Renaissance too soon can result in too rapid of a release of toxins from the cells, overloading your body’s ability to eliminate toxins as you go, thus toxins merely get moved from one place to another in your body. If you think this cleansing or “Herxheimer Effect” is happening, then stop for a day and begin again even slower.

Use In Spray Misters, Soak Cloths & Baths
Preparation may be freely used to moisten the skin and to soothe minor wounds and sunburns.
Spray a fine mist from a distance of 1 to 2 feet to enhance the effect. One to seven ounces of undiluted can be added to a soothing bath.

2 ounces per 6 ounces of water and fine mist spray up into the air and let fall on the face, body, objects, all 4 sides of doorways, windows, cars, beds, tubs, all 8 corners of rooms, etc.

Water Purification In Emergencies & Overseas Travel
Use 2 ounces per gallon and let stand for at least 1 hour before use.

Same as for people, adjusting the serving amount for body weight.

House Plants
1 to 5 ounces per gallon.

(500:1) 1 ounce per 4 gallons.


The potency is best if kept at cool room temperature with some exposure to sunlight. The occasional manifestation of visible mineral precipitates is naturally occurring.


Not for persons sensitive to iodine.
Concentrated – Keep out of the reach of children.

1000 ml. / 34 oz.


Renaissance Lightning Silver: Iodine and Silver Fortified Mineral Water

Life should be amazing and you should feel fantastic every moment of it at any age! That is God’s design.

  • All 15 Essential Minerals
  • All 27 Additional Known To Be Useful Minerals
  • All 24 Rare Earths & Synergistic Trace Elements
  • 66 Specific Power Minerals Total Plus Others As Found In Seawater
  • 306 Homeopathic Mineral Elixirs
  • 79 Wilderness Flower & Herbal Infusions
  • 21 Energetic Waters
  • 26 Ethereal Anointing Oils
  • 17 Land & Sea Plant & Mineral Deposit Blends
  • 13 Herbals Blend


Super-concentrated ~ Makes 25 gallons at full strength ~ 67 day supply.

An Energetically Prepared Blend Of Orgone Infused 3x Tachyonized & Magnetic Vortex Activated 24-Laser Quantum Merkaba Patterned, Catalytic (Able To Activate Other Water 1,000-Fold) Waters From Concentrated Mineral Waters Including 2 Monatomic Iridium-Rich Volcanic Sources, Rainier Source Silver Lightning Water, Salt-Removed Deep Pacific Ocean & Inland Sea Waters, ZamZam Spring Water (Genesis 21:14-20) & 6 Other “Sacred Place” Waters, Glacial Milk, IoWater (Colloidal Iodine Water) & Life Crystals Solar Activated Grape Wine & Brandy (Less than 0.1% Alcohol).

Aleipho Elaia
(“Anointing Blend of Sumptuously Fragrant Essences In Olive Oil” ~ Mk 6:13, Lk 7:38 & 46, James 5:14) Oils of Olive (7 Types), XtraPure Lecithin, Plus Ethereals of Lavender, Lemongrass, Sage (African, Clary, Mountain & White), Eucalyptus Citriodora, Litsea, Black Spruce, Frankincense, Myrrh, Spikenard, Galbanum, White Rose, Nutmeg, Allspice, Ylang, Oud & Cinnamon.

Land & Sea Plant & Mineral Blend Coral (Cal. & Min.), Silica-Rich Bamboo Sap Biological Nano Crystals, Antediluvian Soft Fossilized Organics, Shilajit Unfossilized Ancient Organics, Fulvic Acid, Bohm Certified Deep-Mined Himalayan Salt, 7 Specific Iridium Rich Deposits, Diatomaceous (Fresh & Salt Water Types ~ Silica), Zeolite, Food Grade Charcoal, Specific Colloidal Preparations of Cesium, Copper, Deuterium, Germanium 132, Gold, Indium, Iodine, Iridium, Lithium, Magnetite, Palladium, Phosphorus, Platinum, Potassium, Rhodium, Rubidium, Strontium, Sulfur & Zinc.

A Specially Prepared Tea Of Flax, Pau D’ Arco, Turmeric, Slippery Elm, Black Cumin, Elderberry, Bilberry, Red Beet Juice, 3 Types Of Washington Sage, Red Rose Petals & Saffron.

(Energetic Aqua Vapor Activated) Exsula’s 306 7177 Homeopathic Eden Fountains Mineral Elixirs:

Achondrite (Olivine Meteorite), Agate (Apricot, Black, Fire, Madagascar Moss, Ocean Spray, Portal), Agatized Ammonite, Ajoite, Alexandrite, Altaite, Amazonite, Amber, Amethyst (Ametrine, Blue, Gold, Green & Purple), Anatase, Andradite, Apatite, Apophyllite, Aquamarine, Aragonite, Arthurite, Astrophyllite, Atelestite, Aventurine (Green & Peach), Axinite, Azeztulite (Himalayas Nepal, N. Carolina & Satyaloka India), Azurite, Balentinite, Beta Quartz, Blood Stone, Boji Stone, Botryogen, Boussingaultite, Bravoite, Brookite, Bustamite-Rhodonite, Calaverite, Calcite (Optical, Orange, Pink, Red & Yellow), Carnelian, Catlinite, Celestite (Portal), Cerussite, Chalcanthite, Chalcedony (Blue, Caribbean Blue & Grey), Chrysanthemum Stone, Chrysoberyl, Citrine, Covellite, Creedite, Cubanite, Cumberlandite, Datolite, Diamond, Diaspore, Dioptase (Tsumeb Namibia), Duftite, Dyscrasite, Eilat Stone, Emerald, Enhydros (Amethyst & Quartz), Euclase, Evansite, Faustite, Flint, Fluorite (Blue, Clear, Green, Purple, Red-Brown, Violet, Yellow & Yittrian), Franckeite, Fulgurite Lightning Glass (Morocco), Galena, Garnet, Germanite, Goldstone (Black & Red), Goyazite, Greenockite, Halite, Hanksite, Hematite, Herkimer Diamond, Heterosite, Heulandite, Hiddenite, Horneblende, Howlite, Idocrase, Iolite, Iridosmine, Jade (Green), Jasper (Picasso & Red), Jeremejevite, Jet, Joaquinite, Julienite, Kainosite, Kaolinite, Kornerupine, Kunzite (Pink), Labradorite (Madagascar), Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Leifite, Lepidolite-Hyphenate Quartz, Libethenite, Limonite, Lodestone, Magnesioferrite, Malachite, Manganosite, Marcasite, Marialite, Matlockite, Melanite, Merkabas (Amethyst & Quartz), Mesolite, Millerite, Mitridatite, Monazite, Mookaite, Moonstone (Peach & White), Mordenite, Morganite, Muscovite, Native Copper (Namibia), Natrolite, Natrophyllite, Nepheline, Nephrite, Neptunite, Niccolite, Norbergite, Nuummit, Obsidian (Green, Rainbow & Red Ice), Ocho, Okenite, Opal (Australian, Blue, Fire, Green, Peruvian, Pink, Red & White), Orange Calcite, Orthoclase, Sumilite, Owyheeite, Paracelsian, Pascoite, Pecos Diamond, Penninite, Peridot, Perobskite, Petalite, Petrified Wood (Ginkgo), Phenomenite, Phrenite, Picasso Stone, Picrolite, Pietersite (Namibia & Nepal), Prehnite, Pyrite, Quartz (Blue-Rutile-Tourmaline-Zoisite, Citrine-Smoky, Cornicopia, Dark Orange Tourmaline, Dendritic, Elestial, Faden, Golden Healer, Green, Harlequin, Included-Carbon-Limonite, Lepidocrocite, Lithium, Lumerian Elestial, Milky, Moss, Phantom-Chlorite-Caledonite-Carnelian, Raspberry, Red, Rose, Sceptre, Self-Healed, Smoky, Snow, Spiral, Spirit, Strawberry, Tangerine, Tibetan Black, Twin, Water Clear & White with Gold Veins), Ramsdellite, Red Coral, Reddingite, Rhodochrosite, Rosophia, Ruby-Carnelian-Chlorite, Rutile, Sagenite, Sainfeldite, Sapphire (Blue-Star, Green, Indigo, Parti, Purple, White & Yellow), Sarcolite, Sardonyx, Scapolite, Scawtite, Schalenblende, Selenite, Sellaite, Seraphinite, Serafina Chlorite, Siderite, Sillimanite, Sinhalite, Skan, Smithsonite, Sodalite, Spessartine, Sphaerocobaltite, Spinel (Black, Green & Yellow), Spiral Shells, Staurolite, Steatite, Stephanite, Stibnite, Stichtite, Strombolite, Strontianite, Sugilite, Sunstone, Taaffeite, Tantalite, Tanzanite, Tektite (Moldavite Czech, Philippines, Sahara Desert & Tasmanian Meteorite Glass), Tenorite, Tephroite, Thalenite, Thaumasite, Thomsonite, Thoreaulite, Thulite, Thunderegg, Tiger Iron (Golden Tiger Eye, Red Jasper & Black Hematite), Topaz (Blue, Clear, Golden, Multi-Colored & Goethite-“Rutilated”), Touchstone, Tourmaline (Black, Blue, Clear, Green, Neon Blue, Orange, Pink, Rubellite-Red-Violet, Lepidolite, Sunset, Watermelon & Yellow), Transvaal Jade, Tremolite (Sedona & Peru), Trevorite, Triphylite, Tripliodite, Trona, Tsavorite, Tsumebite, Tufa, Tugtupite, Tungstenite, Tunnelite, Turgite, Turquoise, Ulexite, Ullmannite, Unakite, Ussingite, Uvarovite, Valencianite, Variscite, Verdite, Veszelyite, Wadeite, Wagnerite, Wakefieldite, Wardite, Wavellite, Weeksite, Wherryite, Wholerite, Wilkeite, Willemite, Witherite, Wolframite, Woodhouseite, Woodwardite, Wulfenite, Xanthoconite, Xenotime, Xonolite, Zaratite, Zebra Rock, Zeolite-Quartz (Puna), Zincite (Polish), Zircon, Zoisite-Ruby, Zunyite & Proprietary Others

79 Homeopahic Wilderness Flower & Herbal Infusions: Aloe Vera, Angelica, Angelsword, Arnica, Balsam Poplar, Banksia Robur, Bauhinia, Billy Goat Plum, Bluebell, Blueberry Pollen, Boab, Bog Blueberry, Bottlebrush, Bush Iris, Calendula, Chamomile, Carnation, Cattail Pollen, Cedarwood, Chiming Bells Flowers, Christmas Bell, Cloudberry, Cotton Grass, Crowea, Dagger Hakea, Dandelion, Dog Rose, Echinacea, Echinopanax Horridum, Fairy Slipper, Fireweed, Five Corners, Flannel Flower, Fringad Violet, Gardenia, Grass of Parnassus, Grove Sandwort, Himalayan Cedar, Illawarra Flame Tree, Labrador Tea Flowers, Ladies’ Mantle, Ladies’ Tresses, Lavender (Kashmir & Mailette), Lime, Little Flannel Flower, Macrocarpa, Mandrake (Mand. Off.), Melissa, Mint Bush, N. Alberta Sweetgrass Flower, Nootka Lupin, N. Lady’s Slipper Flowers, Old Man Banksia, Outback Lichen, Pasque Flower, Peppermint, Philotheca, Prickly Wild Rose, Purple Poppy, Red Helmet Orchid, Red Lily, Red Suva, Rangipani, River Beauty, Round Leaf Orchid, Round Leaved Sundew, Sandalwood, Sitka Burnet, Southern Cross, Stuart Desert Rose, Sunshine Wattle, Tundra Rose, Wedding Bush, White Fireweed, White Violet, Wild Potato Bush, Wisteria, Yarrow Flowers, Yellow Cowslip Orchid, Yellow Dryas, Ylang Ylang


Directions for Use:

Use as directed. Dilute before use. Intended for ongoing use.

Shake before dispensing. Then shake or stir concentrate into your best chlorine-free spring water (under 250ppm total dissolved solids) or reverse osmosis water to activate.




2 teaspoons per 16 oz

2 teaspoons per 16 oz

2 teaspoons per 16 oz


Begin with a few drops the first day to allow your body to adjust to the increase in nutritional iodine and minerals. Increase gradually day by day after that for the next 3 days, up to 2 teaspoons per 16 ounces, up to 3 times per day for every 150 pounds of body weight. Adjust the serving amount accordingly.

Space servings as evenly as practical a few hours apart. It is better to sip it gradually so you are just finishing one serving as you are starting the next.

You may wish to continue increasing your Lightning serving size to your optimum personal amount to meet silver utilization opportunities which may temporarily require up to triple the basic amount.

Add your Renaissance & Water blend to foods, juices, additional water, and/or other beverages, and may be consumed before, during, or after meals.

May be blended ahead of time at the ratio of 2.5 to 5 ounces per gallon of pure water.

Very Important
Too much Renaissance too soon can result in too rapid of a release of toxins from the cells, overloading your body’s ability to eliminate toxins as you go, thus toxins merely get moved from one place to another in your body. If you think this cleansing or “Herxheimer Effect” is happening, then stop for a day and begin again even slower.

Use In Spray Misters, Soak Cloths & Baths
Preparation may be freely used to moisten the skin and to soothe minor wounds and sunburns.
Spray a fine mist from a distance of 1 to 2 feet to enhance the effect. One to seven ounces of undiluted can be added to a soothing bath.

2 ounces per 6 ounces of water and fine mist spray up into the air and let fall on the face, body, objects, all 4 sides of doorways, windows, cars, beds, tubs, all 8 corners of rooms, etc.

Water Purification In Emergencies & Overseas Travel
Use 2 ounces per gallon and let stand for at least 1 hour before use.

Same as for people, adjusting the serving amount for body weight.

House Plants
1 to 5 ounces per gallon.

(500:1) 1 ounce per 4 gallons.


The potency is best if kept at cool room temperature with some exposure to sunlight. The occasional manifestation of visible mineral precipitates is naturally occurring.


Not for persons sensitive to iodine.
Concentrated – Keep out of the reach of children.


1000 ml. / 34 oz.


Renaissance Lightning Silver Cleansing Mineral Water
Exsula Superfoods



Ask a Question
  • What is the content of each Renaissance bottle?

    Each bottle of Renaissance is a generous full liter (1,000ml/33.8 oz). We are not frivolously shipping water for the sake of appearances. We are not able to concentrate the life force into a smaller volume while retaining each formula's mineral, trace mineral and energetic power potentials.

  • What are the ingredients and proprietary blends of Renaissance Lightning Silver?

    An Energetically Prepared Blend Of Orgone Infused 3x Tachyonized & Magnetic Vortex Activated 24-Laser Quantum Merkaba Patterned, Catalytic (Able To Activate Other Water 1,000-Fold) Waters From Concentrated Mineral Waters Including 2 Monatomic Iridium-Rich Volcanic Sources, Rainier Source Silver Lightning Water, Salt-Removed Deep Pacific Ocean & Inland Sea Waters, ZamZam Spring Water (Genesis 21:14-20) & 6 Other “Sacred Place” Waters, Glacial Milk, IoWater (Colloidal Iodine Water) & Life Crystals Solar Activated Grape Wine & Brandy (Less than 0.1% Alcohol).

    Aleipho Elaia
    (“Anointing Blend of Sumptuously Fragrant Essences In Olive Oil” ~ Mk 6:13, Lk 7:38 & 46, James 5:14) Oils of Olive (7 Types), XtraPure Lecithin, Plus Ethereals of Lavender, Lemongrass, Sage (African, Clary, Mountain & White), Eucalyptus Citriodora, Litsea, Black Spruce, Frankincense, Myrrh, Spikenard, Galbanum, White Rose, Nutmeg, Allspice, Ylang, Oud & Cinnamon.

    AquaAura Land & Sea Plant & Mineral Blend Coral (Cal. & Min.), Silica-Rich Bamboo Sap Biological Nano Crystals, Antediluvian Soft Fossilized Organics, Shilajit Unfossilized Ancient Organics, Fulvic Acid, Bohm Certified Deep-Mined Himalayan Salt, 7 Specific Iridium Rich Deposits, Diatomaceous (Fresh & Salt Water Types ~ Silica), Zeolite, Food Grade Charcoal, Specific Colloidal Preparations of Cesium, Copper, Deuterium, Germanium 132, Gold, Indium, Iodine, Iridium, Lithium, Magnetite, Palladium, Phosphorus, Platinum, Potassium, Rhodium, Rubidium, Strontium, Sulfur & Zinc.

    A Specially Prepared Tea Of Flax, Pau D’ Arco, Turmeric, Slippery Elm, Black Cumin, Elderberry, Bilberry, Red Beet Juice, 3 Types Of Washington Sage, Red Rose Petals & Saffron.

    (Energetic Aqua Vapor Activated) Exsula’s 306 7177 Homeopathic Eden Fountains Mineral Elixirs:
    Achondrite (Olivine Meteorite), Agate (Apricot, Black, Fire, Madagascar Moss, Ocean Spray, Portal), Agatized Ammonite, Ajoite, Alexandrite, Altaite, Amazonite, Amber, Amethyst (Ametrine, Blue, Gold, Green & Purple), Anatase, Andradite, Apatite, Apophyllite, Aquamarine, Aragonite, Arthurite, Astrophyllite, Atelestite, Aventurine (Green & Peach), Axinite, Azeztulite (Himalayas Nepal, N. Carolina & Satyaloka India), Azurite, Balentinite, Beta Quartz, Blood Stone, Boji Stone, Botryogen, Boussingaultite, Bravoite, Brookite, Bustamite-Rhodonite, Calaverite, Calcite (Optical, Orange, Pink, Red & Yellow), Carnelian, Catlinite, Celestite (Portal), Cerussite, Chalcanthite, Chalcedony (Blue, Caribbean Blue & Grey), Chrysanthemum Stone, Chrysoberyl, Citrine, Covellite, Creedite, Cubanite, Cumberlandite, Datolite, Diamond, Diaspore, Dioptase (Tsumeb Namibia), Duftite, Dyscrasite, Eilat Stone, Emerald, Enhydros (Amethyst & Quartz), Euclase, Evansite, Faustite, Flint, Fluorite (Blue, Clear, Green, Purple, Red-Brown, Violet, Yellow & Yittrian), Franckeite, Fulgurite Lightning Glass (Morocco), Galena, Garnet, Germanite, Goldstone (Black & Red), Goyazite, Greenockite, Halite, Hanksite, Hematite, Herkimer Diamond, Heterosite, Heulandite, Hiddenite, Horneblende, Howlite, Idocrase, Iolite, Iridosmine, Jade (Green), Jasper (Picasso & Red), Jeremejevite, Jet, Joaquinite, Julienite, Kainosite, Kaolinite, Kornerupine, Kunzite (Pink), Labradorite (Madagascar), Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Leifite, Lepidolite-Hyphenate Quartz, Libethenite, Limonite, Lodestone, Magnesioferrite, Malachite, Manganosite, Marcasite, Marialite, Matlockite, Melanite, Merkabas (Amethyst & Quartz), Mesolite, Millerite, Mitridatite, Monazite, Mookaite, Moonstone (Peach & White), Mordenite, Morganite, Muscovite, Native Copper (Namibia), Natrolite, Natrophyllite, Nepheline, Nephrite, Neptunite, Niccolite, Norbergite, Nuummit, Obsidian (Green, Rainbow & Red Ice), Ocho, Okenite, Opal (Australian, Blue, Fire, Green, Peruvian, Pink, Red & White), Orange Calcite, Orthoclase, Sumilite, Owyheeite, Paracelsian, Pascoite, Pecos Diamond, Penninite, Peridot, Perobskite, Petalite, Petrified Wood (Ginkgo), Phenomenite, Phrenite, Picasso Stone, Picrolite, Pietersite (Namibia & Nepal), Prehnite, Pyrite, Quartz (Blue-Rutile-Tourmaline-Zoisite, Citrine-Smoky, Cornicopia, Dark Orange Tourmaline, Dendritic, Elestial, Faden, Golden Healer, Green, Harlequin, Included-Carbon-Limonite, Lepidocrocite, Lithium, Lumerian Elestial, Milky, Moss, Phantom-Chlorite-Caledonite-Carnelian, Raspberry, Red, Rose, Sceptre, Self-Healed, Smoky, Snow, Spiral, Spirit, Strawberry, Tangerine, Tibetan Black, Twin, Water Clear & White with Gold Veins), Ramsdellite, Red Coral, Reddingite, Rhodochrosite, Rosophia, Ruby-Carnelian-Chlorite, Rutile, Sagenite, Sainfeldite, Sapphire (Blue-Star, Green, Indigo, Parti, Purple, White & Yellow), Sarcolite, Sardonyx, Scapolite, Scawtite, Schalenblende, Selenite, Sellaite, Seraphinite, Serafina Chlorite, Siderite, Sillimanite, Sinhalite, Skan, Smithsonite, Sodalite, Spessartine, Sphaerocobaltite, Spinel (Black, Green & Yellow), Spiral Shells, Staurolite, Steatite, Stephanite, Stibnite, Stichtite, Strombolite, Strontianite, Sugilite, Sunstone, Taaffeite, Tantalite, Tanzanite, Tektite (Moldavite Czech, Philippines, Sahara Desert & Tasmanian Meteorite Glass), Tenorite, Tephroite, Thalenite, Thaumasite, Thomsonite, Thoreaulite, Thulite, Thunderegg, Tiger Iron (Golden Tiger Eye, Red Jasper & Black Hematite), Topaz (Blue, Clear, Golden, Multi-Colored & Goethite-“Rutilated”), Touchstone, Tourmaline (Black, Blue, Clear, Green, Neon Blue, Orange, Pink, Rubellite-Red-Violet, Lepidolite, Sunset, Watermelon & Yellow), Transvaal Jade, Tremolite (Sedona & Peru), Trevorite, Triphylite, Tripliodite, Trona, Tsavorite, Tsumebite, Tufa, Tugtupite, Tungstenite, Tunnelite, Turgite, Turquoise, Ulexite, Ullmannite, Unakite, Ussingite, Uvarovite, Valencianite, Variscite, Verdite, Veszelyite, Wadeite, Wagnerite, Wakefieldite, Wardite, Wavellite, Weeksite, Wherryite, Wholerite, Wilkeite, Willemite, Witherite, Wolframite, Woodhouseite, Woodwardite, Wulfenite, Xanthoconite, Xenotime, Xonolite, Zaratite, Zebra Rock, Zeolite-Quartz (Puna), Zincite (Polish), Zircon, Zoisite-Ruby, Zunyite & Proprietary Others

    79 Homeopahic Wilderness Flower & Herbal Infusions: Aloe Vera, Angelica, Angelsword, Arnica, Balsam Poplar, Banksia Robur, Bauhinia, Billy Goat Plum, Bluebell, Blueberry Pollen, Boab, Bog Blueberry, Bottlebrush, Bush Iris, Calendula, Chamomile, Carnation, Cattail Pollen, Cedarwood, Chiming Bells Flowers, Christmas Bell, Cloudberry, Cotton Grass, Crowea, Dagger Hakea, Dandelion, Dog Rose, Echinacea, Echinopanax Horridum, Fairy Slipper, Fireweed, Five Corners, Flannel Flower, Fringad Violet, Gardenia, Grass of Parnassus, Grove Sandwort, Himalayan Cedar, Illawarra Flame Tree, Labrador Tea Flowers, Ladies’ Mantle, Ladies’ Tresses, Lavender (Kashmir & Mailette), Lime, Little Flannel Flower, Macrocarpa, Mandrake (Mand. Off.), Melissa, Mint Bush, N. Alberta Sweetgrass Flower, Nootka Lupin, N. Lady’s Slipper Flowers, Old Man Banksia, Outback Lichen, Pasque Flower, Peppermint, Philotheca, Prickly Wild Rose, Purple Poppy, Red Helmet Orchid, Red Lily, Red Suva, Rangipani, River Beauty, Round Leaf Orchid, Round Leaved Sundew, Sandalwood, Sitka Burnet, Southern Cross, Stuart Desert Rose, Sunshine Wattle, Tundra Rose, Wedding Bush, White Fireweed, White Violet, Wild Potato Bush, Wisteria, Yarrow Flowers, Yellow Cowslip Orchid, Yellow Dryas, Ylang Ylang

  • How do I enjoy Renaissance Lightning Silver?

    Use as directed. Dilute before use. Intended for ongoing use.

    Shake before dispensing. Then shake or stir concentrate into your best chlorine-free spring water (under 250ppm total dissolved solids) or reverse osmosis water to activate.

    2 teaspoons per 16 oz

    2 teaspoons per 16 oz

    2 teaspoons per 16 oz

    Begin with a few drops the first day to allow your body to adjust to the increase in nutritional iodine and minerals. Increase gradually day by day after that for the next 3 days, up to 2 teaspoons per 16 ounces, up to 3 times per day for each 150 pounds of body weight. Adjust serving amount accordingly. Space servings as evenly as practical a few hours apart. It is better to sip it gradually so you are just finishing one serving as you are starting the next.

    You may wish to continue increasing your Lightning serving size to your optimum personal amount to meet silver utilization opportunities which may temporarily require up to triple the basic amount. Add your Renaissance & Water blend to foods, juices, additional water, and/or other beverages, and may be consumed before, during or after meals. May be blended ahead of time at the ratio of 2.5 to 5 ounces per gallon of pure water.

    Very Important
    Too much Renaissance too soon can result in too rapid of a release of toxins from the cells, overloading your body's ability to eliminate toxins as you go, thus toxins merely get moved from one place to another in your body. If you think this cleansing or "Herxheimer Effect"is happening, then stop for a day and begin again even slower.

    Use In Spray Misters, Soak Cloths & Baths
    Preparation may be freely used to moisten the skin and to soothe minor wounds and sunburns.
    Spray a fine mist from a distance of 1 to 2 feet to enhance effect. One to seven ounces of undiluted can be added to a soothing bath.

    2 ounces per 6 ounces of water and fine mist spray up into air and let fall on face, body, objects, all 4 sides of doorways, windows, cars, beds, tubs, all 8 corners of rooms, etc.

    Water Purification In Emergencies & Overseas Travel
    Use 2 ounces per gallon and let stand for at least 1 hour before use.

    Same as for people, adjusting serving amount for body weight.

    House Plants
    1 to 5 ounces per gallon.

    (500:1) 1 ounce per 4 gallons.

    Potency is best if kept at cool room temperature with some exposure to sunlight. Occasional manifestation of visible mineral precipitates is naturally occurring.

    Not for persons sensitive to iodine.
    Concentrated - Keep out of the reach of children.

  • Why is the quality of the water I consume important to my health?

    Water is the currency of your life. Quality and quantity of your body's water largely determines the quality and quantity of your life at the cellular level. All diseases have a "poor-water", "wrong-pH-water" or "lack-of-water" component. You need water for direct cellular hydration and for outside-the-cells irrigation (or cleansing) of your tissues, your lymphatic fluids, your kidneys and your bowel.

    Typical drinking water does not support these functions well. Typical drinking water is not very "alive" or "fun to drink", so most people are not compelled to consume the required 64 ounces (2 quarts) per day minimum needed for cellular hydration and basic tissue irrigation.