Strata-Flora Probiotic Gut Health Blend
Exsula Superfoods
Strata-Flora is More Than Probiotic Supplementation…
Make Your Internal Flora Work Right, Balancing the Good and the Bad Microbes
Probiotic supplements benefit the natural, good bacteria in your digestive tract. Just as “bad” bacteria can make us sick, good bacteria can protect us from degeneration and disease.
Antibiotics mean “against life” – probiotics means “for life”
Supplementing with good, friendly bacteria (probiotics in Strata-Flora) aids digestion, promotes natural immunity & resistance to diseases, and is crucial in regaining and maintaining your health and vitality.
Living inside your digestive system are vast numbers of bacteria, which perform very important beneficial functions, from your mouth down to your rectum. These bacteria share space with disease-causing organisms – the bad bacteria. When the bad bacteria overgrow, the resulting imbalance creates discomfort and symptoms of disease.
Many factors can upset this balance, such as the use of antibiotics, drinking chlorinated water, using pharmaceutical drugs, getting food infections, stress, poor diet, unbalanced pH, and poor lifestyle. This balance varies among individuals, and change with age.
The intestinal terrain must exist in balance, for you to stay healthy.
Probiotics in Strata-Flora will Rejuvenate Your Digestion and Health
Two Pounds Of Beneficial Flora… Or Two Pounds Of Evil?
The condition of your flora (or intestinal bacteria) is inescapably foundational for basic health.
Research indicates that many unhealthy conditions are closely linked to a contaminated, failing, intestinal environment. This is a nearly universal condition among humans, accounting in some significant way for upwards of 70% of medical visits and premature aging.
Flora geography covers the territory from your lips, mouth, teeth, and gums, to your tongue, tonsils, throat, sinuses and bronchial passages, to your esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, and colon, to the perianal-genital area, vagina and cervix, to urethra and bladder, with possibly even the kidneys and bloodstream involved in severe cases of candidiasis (yeast infections) and certain parasites.
The combined weight of all of the different types can equal about 2 pounds (a gang of evil little creatures about the weight of your arm from the elbow down). This can be compared to having a creature the size of a cat using your body as its litter box.
Simply put, bad flora eats your food and nutrients before you do, and it even eats at you and then poisons you with carcinogens and other wastes in return.
Worse yet, bad bacteria create a multi-pound rotting layer of dead cells, nesting and thriving. This putrefying moldy goo blocks nutrients from being absorbed, and keeps toxins inside your body, saturating your organs and cells. Fecal liquids are reabsorbed and cycled over and over resulting in their victim being toxic, fatigued, irritable, dull thinking, pasty-complected, undernourished, gaining weight, vulnerable to cancer and heart disease, and feeling just plain sick.
Strata-Flora turns this situation around as they crowd-out and repel undesirable species such as parasites, staff, strep, candida albicans yeast, clostridium, salmonella, E. coli, and even sore throat and tooth decay-causing bacteria.
After that, your entire body can kick into cleansing mode. If pursued too fast or without enough water, then exiting toxins can overwhelm elimination systems and cause gas and allergic or flu-like indications. Always remember to exercise, walk, and drink plenty of pure water during cleansing.
Strata-Flora is the most powerful strategy for whole body cleansing and healing.
- First, it supplies a team of ingredients to tidy-up the intestinal environment.
- Next, it utilizes a wide-spectrum team of 77 of the most sought after strains of self-colonizing digestion- surviving, temperature-resistant, and SBOs (Soil Based Organisms) cultures.
- Each type of flora has its own unique place in the digestive tract environment, making food nutrients available, producing natural protective immune factors, and Vitamins B-12 and K, etc.
- Also, each serving of Strata-Flora contains a full complement of powerful probiotic nutrients including Slippery Elm & Agave Inulin. With Strata’s rich supply they have been shown to support a fivefold increase in beneficial flora needed to help eliminate undesirable organisms.
Strata-Flora’s Strategy for a Healthy Gut
Number 1 –
Stimulate Peristaltic Muscle Action The Lecithin and other synergist nutrients in Strata-Flora focus on pumping food, debris, and any parasites (after killing them) through your digestive tract by stimulating peristaltic muscle action.
Number 2 –
Supply Beneficial Bacteria Supplying billions of beneficial flora cells every day will also help destroy the bad, pathogenic bacteria. They’re also uniquely skilled in self-colonization.
Prebiotics… Food for Probiotics
They improve the health of your intestines and immune system, by stimulating the activity & growth of your naturally present, beneficial probiotic bacteria.
Prebiotics enable the growth of your healthy internal flora.
All our Exsula Superfoods multi-ingredient formulas contain a plant-derived prebiotic called inulin, a soluble fiber that also helps lower cholesterol.
Number 3 –
Feed the Beneficial Bacteria/ This keeps them multiplying, taking over everything from your lips, tongue, gums, sinuses, and throat, all the way to your stomach, intestinal tract, anal & perianal area, and eventually even protecting vaginal, cervix, and urethral & bladder territories from infection.
Number 4 –
Starve The Bad Bacteria. By feeding the bad bacteria some nutrient-empty food (Xylitol, a natural fruit & vegetable sugar), very many of them starve to death or at least become too tired to reproduce. Since they naturally only live a very short time, this tactic alone can exterminate them.
Number 5 –
Fire-Up Your Immune System. With toxins no longer building-up and being cleansed away, your immune system has more energy to kill off more bad bacteria such as yeasts, molds, fungus, infections, viruses, and parasites in every remote territory of your body. Also, the new good bacteria manufacture special immune-synergists (enzymes & nutrients) that further fire-up your immune system. A better fed immune system is a more effective immune system.
Number 6 –
Properly Digest Food. With natural flora balance restored, the digestive process also restarts, and begins to properly break down food into its assimilable forms. This process is similar to how bacteria in the soil break down minerals & nutrients into a reduced ionic form, so plant roots are able to take them up. In fact, Strata-Flora uses some of these very same strains. If you were a plant, your intestines would be your roots. It is this beneficial bacterial system preparing nutrients for the roots that is precisely why organically grown produce has so much more flavor, vitality, and nutritional value. You should have been getting, and can now get those same nutrient uptake/utilization benefits internally right at the point of assimilation.
Properly fed cells become tougher and less vulnerable to any bug that comes along.
Number 7 –
Healthy Gut Leads to a Healthy, Vibrant Life. A properly digesting body gets higher quality and amounts of nutrients and gradually becomes less demanding, requiring less food. A healthy gut can more efficiently burn fat, that stores disease-causing free radicals. With fewer free radicals to attend to, the enzymes in your body start turning their attention to all the other fun aspects of life (like sex, play, creativity, positive attitude, satisfying work, radiance, beauty, not needing to sleep so much) and just plain feeling great.
A body that is having a great, healthy time with life isn’t likely to succumb to disease. Your body is liberated and free to become its best. The upward spiral has just begun with incredible lifelong benefits and even more positive changes ahead.
We use Wild Crafted whenever we can, Organic as a second choice, Responsibly Farmed when organic does not apply. We explicitly avoid GMO (Genetically Modified) sources. Remember to drink lots of filtered and energized water.
Usage is individual and will vary widely from person to person.
Amount- For general use, start by taking 1/4 teaspoon daily, increasing gradually up to 5 teaspoons daily. Take the amount required to experience good bowel movements.
- For constipation, take a larger dose 20 minutes after your dinner.
- For loose stools, take smaller doses, but take them more often throughout the day – beginning with 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon with every meal.
- If you experience gas or bloating, make sure that you are drinking an abundance of Energized Water with Strata Flora. If this condition persists, temporarily reduce the amount of Strata Flora.
- After the first month of intensive use, typical ongoing maintenance usage is 1 or 2 teaspoons daily.
- Stir into pure, Energized Water, or (organic) fruit juice, yogurt, buttermilk, or kefir milk.
- For variety, you can blend into a fruit smoothie.
- Be sure to drink an abundance of Energized Water throughout the day to maximize benefit.
- Consume Strata-Flora within 3 hours of mixing for peak enzyme performance.
- Freezer storage maintains maximum quality, however, Strata-Flora can also be stored in the refrigerator. Refer to the best potency dates listed on the product.
- Strata Flora travels well (for short periods of time) at room temperature.
- Remove the bottle from cold storage only long enough to use the product, then replace it back into cold storage, keeping the container tightly closed.
- Protect from light, moisture, oxygen, and heat.
- Our potency dates take into account that the product will be unrefrigerated during shipping.
- Use within 9 months after opening.
4 oz. or 12 oz.

Strata-Flora is More Than Probiotic Supplementation…
Make Your Internal Flora Work Right, Balancing the Good and the Bad Microbes
Probiotic supplements benefit the natural, good bacteria in your digestive tract. Just as “bad” bacteria can make us sick, good bacteria can protect us from degeneration and disease.
Antibiotics mean “against life” – probiotics means “for life”
Supplementing with good, friendly bacteria (probiotics in Strata-Flora) aids digestion, promotes natural immunity & resistance to diseases, and is crucial in regaining and maintaining your health and vitality.
Living inside your digestive system are vast numbers of bacteria, which perform very important beneficial functions, from your mouth down to your rectum. These bacteria share space with disease-causing organisms – the bad bacteria. When the bad bacteria overgrow, the resulting imbalance creates discomfort and symptoms of disease.
Many factors can upset this balance, such as the use of antibiotics, drinking chlorinated water, using pharmaceutical drugs, getting food infections, stress, poor diet, unbalanced pH, and poor lifestyle. This balance varies among individuals, and change with age.
The intestinal terrain must exist in balance, for you to stay healthy.
Probiotics in Strata-Flora will Rejuvenate Your Digestion and Health
Two Pounds Of Beneficial Flora… Or Two Pounds Of Evil?
The condition of your flora (or intestinal bacteria) is inescapably foundational for basic health.
Research indicates that many unhealthy conditions are closely linked to a contaminated, failing, intestinal environment. This is a nearly universal condition among humans, accounting in some significant way for upwards of 70% of medical visits and premature aging.
Flora geography covers the territory from your lips, mouth, teeth, and gums, to your tongue, tonsils, throat, sinuses and bronchial passages, to your esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, and colon, to the perianal-genital area, vagina and cervix, to urethra and bladder, with possibly even the kidneys and bloodstream involved in severe cases of candidiasis (yeast infections) and certain parasites.
The combined weight of all of the different types can equal about 2 pounds (a gang of evil little creatures about the weight of your arm from the elbow down). This can be compared to having a creature the size of a cat using your body as its litter box.
Simply put, bad flora eats your food and nutrients before you do, and it even eats at you and then poisons you with carcinogens and other wastes in return.
Worse yet, bad bacteria create a multi-pound rotting layer of dead cells, nesting and thriving. This putrefying moldy goo blocks nutrients from being absorbed, and keeps toxins inside your body, saturating your organs and cells. Fecal liquids are reabsorbed and cycled over and over resulting in their victim being toxic, fatigued, irritable, dull thinking, pasty-complected, undernourished, gaining weight, vulnerable to cancer and heart disease, and feeling just plain sick.
Strata-Flora turns this situation around as they crowd-out and repel undesirable species such as parasites, staff, strep, candida albicans yeast, clostridium, salmonella, E. coli, and even sore throat and tooth decay-causing bacteria.
After that, your entire body can kick into cleansing mode. If pursued too fast or without enough water, then exiting toxins can overwhelm elimination systems and cause gas and allergic or flu-like indications. Always remember to exercise, walk, and drink plenty of pure water during cleansing.
Strata-Flora is the most powerful strategy for whole body cleansing and healing.
- First, it supplies a team of ingredients to tidy-up the intestinal environment.
- Next, it utilizes a wide-spectrum team of 77 of the most sought after strains of self-colonizing digestion- surviving, temperature-resistant, and SBOs (Soil Based Organisms) cultures.
- Each type of flora has its own unique place in the digestive tract environment, making food nutrients available, producing natural protective immune factors, and Vitamins B-12 and K, etc.
- Also, each serving of Strata-Flora contains a full complement of powerful probiotic nutrients including Slippery Elm & Agave Inulin. With Strata’s rich supply they have been shown to support a fivefold increase in beneficial flora needed to help eliminate undesirable organisms.
Strata-Flora’s Strategy for a Healthy Gut
Number 1 –
Stimulate Peristaltic Muscle Action The Lecithin and other synergist nutrients in Strata-Flora focus on pumping food, debris, and any parasites (after killing them) through your digestive tract by stimulating peristaltic muscle action.
Number 2 –
Supply Beneficial Bacteria Supplying billions of beneficial flora cells every day will also help destroy the bad, pathogenic bacteria. They’re also uniquely skilled in self-colonization.
Prebiotics… Food for Probiotics
They improve the health of your intestines and immune system, by stimulating the activity & growth of your naturally present, beneficial probiotic bacteria.
Prebiotics enable the growth of your healthy internal flora.
All our Exsula Superfoods multi-ingredient formulas contain a plant-derived prebiotic called inulin, a soluble fiber that also helps lower cholesterol.
Number 3 –
Feed the Beneficial Bacteria/ This keeps them multiplying, taking over everything from your lips, tongue, gums, sinuses, and throat, all the way to your stomach, intestinal tract, anal & perianal area, and eventually even protecting vaginal, cervix, and urethral & bladder territories from infection.
Number 4 –
Starve The Bad Bacteria. By feeding the bad bacteria some nutrient-empty food (Xylitol, a natural fruit & vegetable sugar), very many of them starve to death or at least become too tired to reproduce. Since they naturally only live a very short time, this tactic alone can exterminate them.
Number 5 –
Fire-Up Your Immune System. With toxins no longer building-up and being cleansed away, your immune system has more energy to kill off more bad bacteria such as yeasts, molds, fungus, infections, viruses, and parasites in every remote territory of your body. Also, the new good bacteria manufacture special immune-synergists (enzymes & nutrients) that further fire-up your immune system. A better fed immune system is a more effective immune system.
Number 6 –
Properly Digest Food. With natural flora balance restored, the digestive process also restarts, and begins to properly break down food into its assimilable forms. This process is similar to how bacteria in the soil break down minerals & nutrients into a reduced ionic form, so plant roots are able to take them up. In fact, Strata-Flora uses some of these very same strains. If you were a plant, your intestines would be your roots. It is this beneficial bacterial system preparing nutrients for the roots that is precisely why organically grown produce has so much more flavor, vitality, and nutritional value. You should have been getting, and can now get those same nutrient uptake/utilization benefits internally right at the point of assimilation.
Properly fed cells become tougher and less vulnerable to any bug that comes along.
Number 7 –
Healthy Gut Leads to a Healthy, Vibrant Life. A properly digesting body gets higher quality and amounts of nutrients and gradually becomes less demanding, requiring less food. A healthy gut can more efficiently burn fat, that stores disease-causing free radicals. With fewer free radicals to attend to, the enzymes in your body start turning their attention to all the other fun aspects of life (like sex, play, creativity, positive attitude, satisfying work, radiance, beauty, not needing to sleep so much) and just plain feeling great.
A body that is having a great, healthy time with life isn’t likely to succumb to disease. Your body is liberated and free to become its best. The upward spiral has just begun with incredible lifelong benefits and even more positive changes ahead.
We use Wild Crafted whenever we can, Organic as a second choice, Responsibly Farmed when organic does not apply. We explicitly avoid GMO (Genetically Modified) sources. Remember to drink lots of filtered and energized water.
Usage is individual and will vary widely from person to person.
Amount- For general use, start by taking 1/4 teaspoon daily, increasing gradually up to 5 teaspoons daily. Take the amount required to experience good bowel movements.
- For constipation, take a larger dose 20 minutes after your dinner.
- For loose stools, take smaller doses, but take them more often throughout the day – beginning with 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon with every meal.
- If you experience gas or bloating, make sure that you are drinking an abundance of Energized Water with Strata Flora. If this condition persists, temporarily reduce the amount of Strata Flora.
- After the first month of intensive use, typical ongoing maintenance usage is 1 or 2 teaspoons daily.
- Stir into pure, Energized Water, or (organic) fruit juice, yogurt, buttermilk, or kefir milk.
- For variety, you can blend into a fruit smoothie.
- Be sure to drink an abundance of Energized Water throughout the day to maximize benefit.
- Consume Strata-Flora within 3 hours of mixing for peak enzyme performance.
- Freezer storage maintains maximum quality, however, Strata-Flora can also be stored in the refrigerator. Refer to the best potency dates listed on the product.
- Strata Flora travels well (for short periods of time) at room temperature.
- Remove the bottle from cold storage only long enough to use the product, then replace it back into cold storage, keeping the container tightly closed.
- Protect from light, moisture, oxygen, and heat.
- Our potency dates take into account that the product will be unrefrigerated during shipping.
- Use within 9 months after opening.
4 oz. or 12 oz.

Customer Reviews
Ask a Question-
What is the recommended use of Strata-Flora?
Restore your digestive system by feeding it good bacteria. Eliminate viruses, bad bacteria, yeast, parasites and infections. Promotes optimal bowel regularity for fewer toxins and fewer aches & pains. Natural support for your immune system for fewer colds, flus and infections.
How do I store my Strata-Flora?
Ideally enjoyed by "Best Potency Date" on label, and within 9 months after opening. Potency numbers account for unrefrigerated shipping. Your freezer door is ideal for preserving potency. Remove bottle only long enough to dispense, then keep container tightly closed. Strata-Flora travels well at room temperature. Protect from light, moisture, oxygen, heat and time.
How do I enjoy my Strata-Flora?
Start at 1/4 teaspoon daily, increasing gradually up to 5 teaspoons daily. Dose is individual and will vary widely from person to person. For conditions of constipation take 20 minutes after your evening meal and if your stools are loose take 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon with or following each meal - spread throughout the day.
A good tune-up goal for health enthusiasts is 5 level teaspoons (equivalent of 45 capsules) daily - a 30 day supply for the first bottle. After a 1 bottle tune-up you may want to continue with at least 1 or 2 teaspoons daily as part of your ongoing health strategy. Simply stir into organic apple or pear juice, and/or yogurt, buttermilk, kefir milk and/or pure water. Or add fruit and blend into a smoothie.
Studies have shown optimum utilization if taken 20 to 40 minutes after a light meal near the end of the day, when transit time is fast and digestion is depleted. Virtually everyone will benefit from at least a one bottle tune-up, at the full potency of 5 teaspoons per day. Ideally, Strata-Flora at a minimum of one spoon a day is essential for every health enthusiast's personal ongoing supplement program.
Best health results will be experienced when your program includes our Iridesca Full-Spectrum Foundational Nutrition Formula, plus XtraPure Lecithin and Renaissance Water. Best anti-parasite results when your program includes one of our Superfoods such as Iridesca or Premium, along with XtraPure Lecithin (excellent cleansing synergists).
For optimum results, also drink an abundance of pure water throughout the day. This combination can overwhelm elimination systems and precipitate gas, bloating, or flu-like indications if pursued too aggressively or without enough water. Strata-Flora is an ongoing cleansing program that adds back the good flora, so there isn't just a repeat of the antibiotic-type situation of die-off and then the undesirable-type moving back in. Peak enzyme performance occurs within 3 hours of mixing. Can be kept refrigerated to 48 hours. -
What is the function of Strata-Flora?
Strata-Flora is the most powerful strategy for whole body cleansing and healing.
First, it supplies a team of ingredients to tidy-up the intestinal environment.
Next, it utilizes a wide-spectrum team of 77 of the most sought after strains of self-colonizing digestion- surviving, temperature-resistant and SBOs (Soil Based Organisms) cultures. Each type of flora has its own unique place in the digestive tract environment, making food nutrients available, producing natural protective immune factors, and Vitamins B-12 and K, etc.
Also, each serving of Strata-Flora contains a full compliment of powerful probiotic nutrients including Slippery Elm & Agave Inulin. With Strata’s rich supply they have been shown to support a fivefold increase in beneficial flora needed to help eliminate undesirable organisms. -
What strategies should I implement to achieve a healthy gut along with taking Strata-Flora as a supplement?
Strata-Flora's Strategy for a Healthy Gut:
Number 1 - Stimulate Peristaltic Muscle Action The Lecithin and other synergist nutrients in Strata-Flora focus on pumping food, debris and any parasites (after killing them) through your digestive tract by stimulating peristaltic muscle action.
Number 2 - Supply Beneficial Bacteria Supplying billions of beneficial flora cells every day will also help destroy the bad, pathogenic bacteria. They're also uniquely skilled in self-colonization.
Prebiotics... Food for Probiotics They improve the health of your intestines and immune system, by stimulating the activity & growth of your naturally present, beneficial probiotic bacteria. Prebiotics enable the continued growth of your healthy internal flora. All our Exsula Superfoods multi-ingredient formulas contain a plant-derived prebiotic called inulin, a soluble fiber that also helps lower cholesterol.
Number 3 - Feed the Beneficial Bacteria/ This keeps them multiplying, taking over everything from your lips, tongue, gums, sinuses, and throat, all the way to your stomach, intestinal tract, anal & perianal area, and eventually even protecting vaginal, cervix, and urethral & bladder territories from infection.
Number 4 - Starve The Bad Bacteria. By feeding the bad bacteria some nutrient-empty food (Xylitol, a natural fruit & vegetable sugar), very many of them starve to death, or at least become too tired to reproduce. Since they naturally only live a very short time, this tactic alone can exterminate them.
Number 5 - Fire-Up Your Immune System. With toxins no longer building-up and being cleansed away, your immune system has more energy to kill off more bad bacteria such as yeasts, molds, fungus, infections, viruses and parasites in every remote territory of your body. Also, the new good bacteria manufacture special immune-synergists (enzymes & nutrients) that further fire-up your immune system. A better fed immune system is a more effective immune system.
Number 6 - Properly Digest Food. With natural flora balance restored, the digestive process also restarts, and begins to properly break down food into its assimilable forms. This process is similar to how bacteria in soil breaks down minerals & nutrients into a reduced ionic form, so plant roots are able to take them up. In fact, Strata-Flora uses some of these very same strains. If you were a plant, your intestines would be your roots. It is this beneficial bacterial system preparing nutrients for the roots that is precisely why organically grown produce has so much more flavor, vitality, and nutritional value. You should have been getting, and can now get those same nutrient uptake/utilization benefits internally right at the point of assimilation. Properly fed cells become tougher and less vulnerable to any bug that comes along.
Number 7 - Healthy Gut Leads to a Healthy, Vibrant Life. A properly digesting body, gets higher quality and amounts of nutrients, and gradually becomes less demanding, requiring less food. A healthy gut can more efficiently burn fat, that stores disease-causing free radicals. With fewer free radicals to attend to, the enzymes in your body start turning their attention to all the other fun aspects of life (like sex, play, creativity, positive attitude, satisfying work, radiance, beauty, not needing to sleep so much) and just plain feeling great. A body that is having a great, healthy time with life isn't likely to succumb to disease. Your body is liberated and free to become its best.
The upward spiral has just begun with incredible lifelong benefits and even more positive changes ahead. Intestinal & Organ Cleanse = Restore Your Digestive and Immune Systems Eliminate Viruses, Bad Bacteria, Yeast, Parasites & Infections Promote Optimal Bowel Regularity: Fewer Toxins = Fewer Aches -
Why is Strata-Flora by Exsula Superfoods different from other supplements?
Our products, including Strata-Flora, do not contain any fillers. They are what the labels say; nothing more, nothing less.
Why are probiotics important?
Probiotics can help restore the natural balance of gut bacteria by promoting more "good bacteria" that line your digestive tract. An imbalance of bacterias means that there are too many bad bacteria andnot enough good bacteria. This can be the result of illness, medications such as antibiotics, poor diet and more. This imbalance can also result in digestive issues, allergies, mental health problems and obesity.
About 80 percent of your immune system resides in your gastrointestinal tract in the form of receptor cells. Because of this prime location, what happens in your gut can powerfully influence your immune function. As a result, probiotics also support your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and fight infection.
Research has shown that probiotics may help with mental health problems such as stress, anxiety, depression and memory problems. Probiotics are also widely known for their ability to prevent diarrhea or reduce its severity. Probiotics may also help reduce the symptoms of bowel disorders like ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome ("IBS") and necrotizing enterocolitis, a fatal bowel condition that occurs in premature infants. Moreover, probiotics may also help to keep your heart healthy as it may reduce bad ("LDL") cholesterol.
There is also some research that shows probiotics may be useful for problems in other parts of your body, including skin conditions like eczema, urinary and vaginal health, and can aid in preventing allergies and cold. -
What are the benefits of good bacteria?
Good bacteria is important to help produce hormones like serotonin. It also aids in the extraction of energy and nutrients in the foods we eat. Good bacteria also can manage our appetite and body weight. It can also prevent us from catching colds and viruses, and control our moods, motivation and cognitive health.
If I've mistakenly stored this product in the refrigerator for over a week, is it ruined?
Hi there! Actually, the product should be kept refrigerated or frozen 🥶. It can be kept out at room temperature for a couple of days, but depending on room temperature, the product will start to break down the other ingredients. Hope this helps! Thank you!
ZoeTein and Strata-Flora appear to contain the same ingredients and appear to be the same products with different names. Can you please elaborate on what the distinct difference is?
Hi there! whie there are some similairties , the products are quite different in both composition and final effect. Some of the common ingredients are also different amounts
Strata Flora is more of a 'fix my gut product'
Zoetein is more of a 'feed me and build me some muscles product'
Here's kind of an example about commonalities in the products. When you are baking something, in most cases it starts with flour, sugar, milk, butter/oil etc. then you add things and switch it up, cinnamon or vanilla, are you making a fluffy or heavy cake etc. - and the ingredeints are largely similar but the other ingredients aren't. - I hope this was somewhat helpful? :)
Please let us know if you have any other further questions! Thank you!