Liquid Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ
Liquid Zeolite Co.
Effects of Zeolite Detoxification
- Improve your general state of health
- Detoxify your body by removing heavy metals and toxins
- Remineralize your body
- Reduce free-radicals, reducing cancer risk
- Prevent premature aging
- Powerful anti-inflammatory
- Support your immune system function
- Higher energy levels
- Reduce allergy symptoms
- Improve your moods
- Balance your body’s pH
- Boost your energy
- Increase your absorption of vitamins & minerals
- Safe for long-term use
- Easy to take – no taste or smell
Until recently, mercury was a component of the preservative used in most vaccines. Combined with the fact that a number of studies have shown that there is a definitive connection between autism and the part of the body’s system dealing with metal regulation has led to a strong following that believes the vaccines that are being given to children are at the root of the increased number of children who suffer from autism today. In addition to working as a powerful mercury detox, Ultra Liquid Zeolite is a safe detox treatment that removes pesticides, radioactive elements, and all toxic heavy metals while also boosting the immune system.
Ultra Liquid Zeolite Safely binds and removes toxic heavy metals.
The most affordable, reliable, and easy to take toxin absorbing supplement.
Our Ultra Liquid Zeolite metal detox treatment safely binds and removes toxic heavy metals (including mercury, pesticides, herbicides, volatile organic compounds, radioactive elements, and others) without removing beneficial minerals. It also supercharges your immune system for defense against a broad range of bacterial infections, chronic conditions, and viruses.
Liquid zeolite is extremely safe and is completely eliminated from your body within 5 to 7 hours. So safe that it’s on the US Government’s list of GRAS (generally regarded as safe).
Ultra Liquid Zeolite is safe for long-term use, 100% natural (no additives or chemical reagents), and easy to take (no taste or smell).
Zeolite is the world’s most powerful detoxification agent and the only one known to not cause flu-like cleansing reactions had by many during herbal detox programs.
Often, simple changes can make a massive difference to how we feel.
Linus Pauling, a winner of two Nobel Prizes, believed that 90% of all medical conditions are attributable to excessive heavy metals, toxins, toxic chemicals, and minerals and trace mineral deficiency.
Natural Fast-Acting Super Detoxifier
Our zeolite comes from the only ore supply that’s been approved as safe for consumption by humans. In addition, it has been processed in such a way that it can NEVER withdraw necessary minerals or elements from your body – only the harmful ones. In fact, it actually helps to remineralize your cells.
100% Pure Clinoptilolite
Our zeolite is composed of 100% of the zeolite type called “clinoptilolite” that has generated amazing results in laboratory testing.
It is chemical-free
Our zeolite is processed without chemicals. Through a natural, proprietary process, concentrated organic humic acid molecules have “naturally digested” the zeolite, holding it in permanent suspension.
It is bio-available
No solvents or heat-treatment methods are used in our proprietary manufacturing process. Because the humic acid in Liquid Zeolite is in an organic, interdimensional form, and because the zeolite is actually suspended in the humic molecules, 100% of Liquid Zeolite is carried into the cells yielding maximum bioavailability.
It has anti-aging properties
Because Liquid Zeolite uses high-grade humic acid to carry the zeolite to your cells, the anti-aging properties of organic humic acid are in play. There is no substitute for organic humic acid to revitalize your cells and reverse cellular degeneration.
What makes natural Liquid Zeolite with Humic Acid better than other types of liquid zeolite?
Other brands use chemicals and solvents or heat treatment methods to process their zeolite into a liquid form. We utilize the newest most advanced manufacturing process of using humic acid (a highly regarded organic medium) which enables the zeolite to penetrate cell walls.
Zeolite is a safe natural chelation and detoxifier, it removes heavy metals such as mercury, toxins, and chemicals from the body.
Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ helps the body maintain optimum alkalinity, proper normalized pH levels, and helps supercharge the immune system. It helps support strong immune systems and reduces toxic overload by removing toxins, chemicals & heavy metals.
Zeolite contains: safe pure humic acid/fulvic acid complex, ultra cleansed volcanic zeolite (clinoptilolite), and a blend of angstrom-sized trace minerals, phytonutrients, macro-nutrients & micro-nutrients, antioxidant DHQ (Dihydroquercetin), structured water, citric acid, and potassium sorbate (for freshness).
Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ contains 100% Pure Clinoptilolite.
Clinoptilolite is the subtype of zeolite that has generated positive results in laboratory testing. Our clinoptilolite comes from the only ore supply that has been approved as safe for consumption by humans. In addition, it has been processed in such a way that it does not draw necessary minerals or elements from the body, instead it helps to remineralize the cells.
The clinoptilolite zeolites are a group of minerals with a four-sided honeycomb structure and, rare among minerals, a negative magnetic charge. The effect of the structure and the magnetic charge is that zeolite draws heavy metals (including mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, aluminum, tin, excess iron, and even radioactive metals like cesium and strontium-90) and toxins to it and simply engulfs them. The toxins “check-in” and they can’t “check out.” Then the zeolite carries them safely and harmlessly out of the body through normal elimination pathways.
Heavy metals are implicated as a causative factor in many illnesses, especially of the inflammatory type.
Zeolite is 100% safe and is completely eliminated from the body within 5 to 7 hours. It has maximum bioavailability because the humic acid in Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is organic. Because the zeolite is actually suspended in the humic molecules, 100% of Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is carried into the cells.
Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ uses natural humic acid to carry the zeolite to the cells. There is no substitute for organic humic acid to revitalize cells and reverse cellular degeneration.
Zeolite also contains Dihydroquercetin (DHQ), also known as taxifolin, which is a bioflavonoid similar in structure to that of quercetin. The DHQ is usually extracted from Siberian Larch tree.
Almost 600 studies conducted over the last 50 years have investigated its effectiveness and safety. Flavonoids perform two important functions: they strengthen the bodyƒ??s immune response to attacks from viruses, allergens, and carcinogens and they act as powerful super-antioxidants, protecting the body against free-radical damage, and oxidative stress that can lead to many neurological, cardiovascular, and blood sugar diseases.
Zeolite, world’s greatest detoxifier
Oxygen: disease killing oxygen and energy enhancement
Minerals: angstrom size ionic humic minerals for DNA & cellular repair
Frequency: vibrationally enhanced process
Anti-oxidant: the form of quercetin better utilized by the body with humic/fulvic as the carrier to the cell
Dihydroquercetin (DHQ), also known as taxifolin, is a bioflavonoid similar in structure to that of quercetin. The DHQ is usually extracted from Siberian Larch tree. Almost 600 studies conducted over the last 50 years have investigated its effectiveness and safety.
Flavonoids perform two important functions: they strengthen your body’s immune response to attacks from viruses, allergens, and carcinogens and they act as powerful super-antioxidants, protecting your body against free-radical damage, and oxidative stress that can lead to many neurological, cardiovascular, and diabetic diseases.
Liquid Zeolite helps your body maintain optimum alkalinity, proper normalized pH levels, and helps supercharge your immune system. It strengthens your immune system and reduces toxic load by removing toxins, chemicals & heavy metals. It helps to reduce signs of aging, improve your skin texture making it look smoother and younger.
Our energy enhanced structured Living Water further enhances absorption as well as hydration. Living Water has the ability to remove disease markers, and makes pesticides, herbicides, chemicals, toxins, heavy metals & even drug residues non-detectable!
Studies have shown that highly energized foods and supplements can be very beneficial. Our liquid zeolite undergoes a special proprietary high-vibration energy enhancement process to make it work FASTER than other zeolite products.
The zeolite mineral molecule is digested by the humic mineral complex without chemicals or solvents, producing a highly stable and suspended potent bioavailable cell-penetrating supplement. Combining zeolite with humic acid delivers a powerful natural chelating, pH balancing, immune-supporting, and remineralizing supplement.
Zeolites are a group of minerals with a four-sided honeycomb structure and, rare among minerals, a negative magnetic charge. The effect of the structure and the magnetic charge is that zeolite draws heavy metals (including mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, aluminum, tin, excess iron, and even radioactive metals like cesium and strontium-90) and toxins to it and simply engulfs them. The toxins “check-in” and they can’t “check out.” Then the zeolite carries them safely and harmlessly out of the body through the normal elimination process.
Liquid zeolite is extremely safe and is completely eliminated from the body within 5 to 7 hours.
Zeolites are a group of minerals with a four-sided honeycomb structure and, rare among minerals, a negative magnetic charge. The effect of the structure and the magnetic charge is that zeolite draws heavy metals (including mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, aluminum, tin, excess iron, and even radioactive metals like cesium and strontium-90) and toxins to it and simply engulfs them. The toxins “check-in” and they can’t “check out.” Zeolite then carries the toxins safely and harmlessly out of your body through normal digestion.
Zeolites are natural volcanic minerals that are mined in certain parts of the world. When volcanoes erupt, molten lava and thick ash pour out. Because many volcanoes are located on an island or near an ocean, this lava and ash often flow into the sea. Thanks to a chemical reaction between the ash from the volcano and the salt from the sea, amazing minerals like zeolites are formed in the hardened lava over the course of thousands of years.
The name “zeolite” comes from the Greek words zeo (to boil) and lithos (stone).
Toxins poison our air, water, food, and our bodies. We live in a virtual “sea of pollutants”, carrying many toxins and heavy metals inside us. As many as 25% of Americans are estimated to suffer from some degree of heavy metal poisoning, particularly from mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic. According to the EPA, 70,000 chemicals are used commercially in the US, 65,000 of which are potentially hazardous to our health. The Environmental Defense Council reports that more than four billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released into the environment each year, including 72 million pounds of known carcinogens. These synthetic chemicals and heavy metals can be found even in unborn children, being passed on by the mother through the placenta.
Liquid Zeolite will Detoxify your body of these toxic heavy metals
Lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic and more are widely found in our environment and are known as toxic metals. We are exposed to these toxic metals from numerous sources today, including contaminated air, water, soil, and food.
Lead weakens the body severely. It replaces calcium in the bone, weakening them and slowly causing one type of osteoporosis. Lead is incorporated into bone, causes the bio-unavailability of calcium, and displaces calcium. Lead inhibits enzymes associated with hemoglobin synthesis and increases the rate of destruction of red blood cells. It also replaces calcium in the blood cells, damaging the blood. Lead can raise uric acid levels and impair kidney function leading to gout.
Mercury is among the most toxic elements known to man. It is also the most common heavy metal on the earth today. That is why having mercury fillings is such a major challenge to your health. Mercury is found in many prescription and over-the-counter remedies, dental fillings, and vaccines. Hundreds of symptoms may be due to chronic mercury toxicity. It often settles deep in the tissues of the brain, kidneys, and liver.
Cadmium is a very toxic metal and is associated with the development of cancers. Cadmium also powerfully irritates adrenal activity. Cadmium is among the most toxic of the heavy metals. It is a common metal found in marijuana, cigarette smoke, tap water, coffee, some processed and refined foods such as hydrogenated oils, and in foods from the sea, especially shellfish. Cadmium is extremely toxic, with acceptable levels one-tenth that of most of the other toxic metals. Its effects are many, but it mainly affects the kidneys, the cardiovascular system, and is related to cancer.
Arsenic is a very toxic mineral. Arsenic poisoning is extremely common and affects most people today, to some degree. Arsenic is a left-side poison, affecting the heart and the left side of the brain. Arsenic is added to salt. Many herbs are contaminated from soil and water. Many lakes are contaminated with arsenic which poisons the fish. Arsenic is also found in beer, wine, rice, and butter. It is used as a pesticide on fruits and grapes. Arsenic is a powerful enzyme poison and disrupts the adrenal glands.
Avoiding aluminum ingestion altogether is literally impossible. That’s because aluminum is one of the most abundant elements in the soil.
So anything that grows from the ground–or eats things growing from the ground– contains aluminum.
Here are some examples of the average amounts of aluminum found in common foods:
- Wheat and corn: 140 PPM (parts per million)
- Potatoes: 100 PPM
- Lettuce: 90 PPM
- Beans: 165 PPM
- Tomatoes: 90 PPM
- Pineapple: 100 PPM
- Bananas: 97 PPM
- Coffee: 97 PPM
You get the idea: There is no food containing zero aluminum.
Liquid Zeolite doesn't release or leach any aluminum into the body, it attracts and removes aluminum, mercury, heavy metals & toxins found in the body.
The Cleansing Process of Zeolite
Step 1
We start with the purest natural zeolite mineral clinoptilolite that comes from one of the only zeolite mines on Earth fit for human consumption. This zeolite is mechanically processed to yield an ultra-micronized super-fine powder. The zeolite cage size is reduced – 80% to less than 1 micron, the majority to around 1/2 micron in size, while 20% are reduced to 1-5 micron size. The smaller particles can very easily absorb into the bloodstream and even cross the blood-brain barrier. The larger particles work well in the intestine. The multiple-sized cages enable our zeolite to efficiently absorb & remove a large range of toxins, heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, and other harmful substances from every cell in your body quickly and safely, faster than any other detoxification process. We offer the original humic/fulvic liquid zeolite, not an inferior copycat product. We have nearly 13,000 positive feedbacks & testimonials on-file to substantiate that our product works so well!
Step 2
The ultra-micronized natural zeolite powder is added to ultra-purified water in a reaction vessel chamber, sodium (similar to common table salt) is then added to begin the proprietary purification process. In a Cation exchange process, the sodium is exchanged with any present bound impurities (heavy metals and other pollutants).
Step 3
The solution is cooled very rapidly to trigger the separation of toxins from the material, creating a hard layer of toxins that are discarded. This step is repeated over 9 times over a period of 96 hours until all the pollutants have been removed from the reaction vessel chamber.
Step 4
After the toxins have been removed a forced-air and vacuum filtration system removes all soluble toxins and neutralizes the solution. The final filtration yields the activated super-pure & cleansed natural zeolite (clinoptilolite). Ours is the most potent liquid zeolite formulas on the market, but one of the cleanest, purest & naturally cleansed zeolite available, period! We don’t use any harsh chemical reagents such as hydrochloric acid or acetic acid unlike others use in their process. The humic mineral solution delivers the zeolite directly to the intracellular fluid. There, the humic minerals further act to chelate the heavy metals out of the cells so that they can be absorbed by the zeolite and carried out of your body. Humic acid contains all of the minerals, trace minerals, and amino acids that your cells require for optimum functioning. When you detoxify with Zeolite the chelating factor and carrier agency of the humic acid enhances the success zeolite supplementation can have when dealing with your toxic load.
Proprietary Powerful Blend of Ultra-Cleansed Natural Zeolite, Humic and Fulvic Acids & Di-hydro-quercetin, pasteurized to prevent bacterial contamination.
- ultra-cleansed volcanic zeolite (clinoptilolite)
- humic and fulvic acid complex
- DHQ (Dihydroquercetin)
- blend of angstrom-sized trace minerals, phytonutrients, macronutrients & micronutrients
- energized water
- citric acid
- potassium sorbate
Each batch is independently tested for safety. It is manufactured in GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) Certified facility. GMP are guidelines that provide a system of processes, procedures, and documentation to assure the product produced has the identity, strength, composition, quality, and purity that it is represented to possess.
Directions for Use:
Dosage to tolerance: 1 to 5 drops in every glass of water you drink – even the whole bottle in one day is not toxic if you can handle it.
Maintenance: 5 drops (in a glass of water) twice daily.
Therapeutic:15-20 drops (in a glass of water) 4 to 6 times daily.
Recommended Use:
Restore normal immune function to feel great again with this powerfully effective toxin removal (heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides).
30 ml / 1 oz per bottle
Available in a 2 pack, 4 pack, 6 pack, and 12 pack

Effects of Zeolite Detoxification
- Improve your general state of health
- Detoxify your body by removing heavy metals and toxins
- Remineralize your body
- Reduce free-radicals, reducing cancer risk
- Prevent premature aging
- Powerful anti-inflammatory
- Support your immune system function
- Higher energy levels
- Reduce allergy symptoms
- Improve your moods
- Balance your body’s pH
- Boost your energy
- Increase your absorption of vitamins & minerals
- Safe for long-term use
- Easy to take – no taste or smell
Until recently, mercury was a component of the preservative used in most vaccines. Combined with the fact that a number of studies have shown that there is a definitive connection between autism and the part of the body’s system dealing with metal regulation has led to a strong following that believes the vaccines that are being given to children are at the root of the increased number of children who suffer from autism today. In addition to working as a powerful mercury detox, Ultra Liquid Zeolite is a safe detox treatment that removes pesticides, radioactive elements, and all toxic heavy metals while also boosting the immune system.
Ultra Liquid Zeolite Safely binds and removes toxic heavy metals.
The most affordable, reliable, and easy to take toxin absorbing supplement.
Our Ultra Liquid Zeolite metal detox treatment safely binds and removes toxic heavy metals (including mercury, pesticides, herbicides, volatile organic compounds, radioactive elements, and others) without removing beneficial minerals. It also supercharges your immune system for defense against a broad range of bacterial infections, chronic conditions, and viruses.
Liquid zeolite is extremely safe and is completely eliminated from your body within 5 to 7 hours. So safe that it’s on the US Government’s list of GRAS (generally regarded as safe).
Ultra Liquid Zeolite is safe for long-term use, 100% natural (no additives or chemical reagents), and easy to take (no taste or smell).
Zeolite is the world’s most powerful detoxification agent and the only one known to not cause flu-like cleansing reactions had by many during herbal detox programs.
Often, simple changes can make a massive difference to how we feel.
Linus Pauling, a winner of two Nobel Prizes, believed that 90% of all medical conditions are attributable to excessive heavy metals, toxins, toxic chemicals, and minerals and trace mineral deficiency.
Natural Fast-Acting Super Detoxifier
Our zeolite comes from the only ore supply that’s been approved as safe for consumption by humans. In addition, it has been processed in such a way that it can NEVER withdraw necessary minerals or elements from your body – only the harmful ones. In fact, it actually helps to remineralize your cells.
100% Pure Clinoptilolite
Our zeolite is composed of 100% of the zeolite type called “clinoptilolite” that has generated amazing results in laboratory testing.
It is chemical-free
Our zeolite is processed without chemicals. Through a natural, proprietary process, concentrated organic humic acid molecules have “naturally digested” the zeolite, holding it in permanent suspension.
It is bio-available
No solvents or heat-treatment methods are used in our proprietary manufacturing process. Because the humic acid in Liquid Zeolite is in an organic, interdimensional form, and because the zeolite is actually suspended in the humic molecules, 100% of Liquid Zeolite is carried into the cells yielding maximum bioavailability.
It has anti-aging properties
Because Liquid Zeolite uses high-grade humic acid to carry the zeolite to your cells, the anti-aging properties of organic humic acid are in play. There is no substitute for organic humic acid to revitalize your cells and reverse cellular degeneration.
What makes natural Liquid Zeolite with Humic Acid better than other types of liquid zeolite?
Other brands use chemicals and solvents or heat treatment methods to process their zeolite into a liquid form. We utilize the newest most advanced manufacturing process of using humic acid (a highly regarded organic medium) which enables the zeolite to penetrate cell walls.
Zeolite is a safe natural chelation and detoxifier, it removes heavy metals such as mercury, toxins, and chemicals from the body.
Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ helps the body maintain optimum alkalinity, proper normalized pH levels, and helps supercharge the immune system. It helps support strong immune systems and reduces toxic overload by removing toxins, chemicals & heavy metals.
Zeolite contains: safe pure humic acid/fulvic acid complex, ultra cleansed volcanic zeolite (clinoptilolite), and a blend of angstrom-sized trace minerals, phytonutrients, macro-nutrients & micro-nutrients, antioxidant DHQ (Dihydroquercetin), structured water, citric acid, and potassium sorbate (for freshness).
Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ contains 100% Pure Clinoptilolite.
Clinoptilolite is the subtype of zeolite that has generated positive results in laboratory testing. Our clinoptilolite comes from the only ore supply that has been approved as safe for consumption by humans. In addition, it has been processed in such a way that it does not draw necessary minerals or elements from the body, instead it helps to remineralize the cells.
The clinoptilolite zeolites are a group of minerals with a four-sided honeycomb structure and, rare among minerals, a negative magnetic charge. The effect of the structure and the magnetic charge is that zeolite draws heavy metals (including mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, aluminum, tin, excess iron, and even radioactive metals like cesium and strontium-90) and toxins to it and simply engulfs them. The toxins “check-in” and they can’t “check out.” Then the zeolite carries them safely and harmlessly out of the body through normal elimination pathways.
Heavy metals are implicated as a causative factor in many illnesses, especially of the inflammatory type.
Zeolite is 100% safe and is completely eliminated from the body within 5 to 7 hours. It has maximum bioavailability because the humic acid in Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is organic. Because the zeolite is actually suspended in the humic molecules, 100% of Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is carried into the cells.
Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ uses natural humic acid to carry the zeolite to the cells. There is no substitute for organic humic acid to revitalize cells and reverse cellular degeneration.
Zeolite also contains Dihydroquercetin (DHQ), also known as taxifolin, which is a bioflavonoid similar in structure to that of quercetin. The DHQ is usually extracted from Siberian Larch tree.
Almost 600 studies conducted over the last 50 years have investigated its effectiveness and safety. Flavonoids perform two important functions: they strengthen the bodyƒ??s immune response to attacks from viruses, allergens, and carcinogens and they act as powerful super-antioxidants, protecting the body against free-radical damage, and oxidative stress that can lead to many neurological, cardiovascular, and blood sugar diseases.
Zeolite, world’s greatest detoxifier
Oxygen: disease killing oxygen and energy enhancement
Minerals: angstrom size ionic humic minerals for DNA & cellular repair
Frequency: vibrationally enhanced process
Anti-oxidant: the form of quercetin better utilized by the body with humic/fulvic as the carrier to the cell
Dihydroquercetin (DHQ), also known as taxifolin, is a bioflavonoid similar in structure to that of quercetin. The DHQ is usually extracted from Siberian Larch tree. Almost 600 studies conducted over the last 50 years have investigated its effectiveness and safety.
Flavonoids perform two important functions: they strengthen your body’s immune response to attacks from viruses, allergens, and carcinogens and they act as powerful super-antioxidants, protecting your body against free-radical damage, and oxidative stress that can lead to many neurological, cardiovascular, and diabetic diseases.
Liquid Zeolite helps your body maintain optimum alkalinity, proper normalized pH levels, and helps supercharge your immune system. It strengthens your immune system and reduces toxic load by removing toxins, chemicals & heavy metals. It helps to reduce signs of aging, improve your skin texture making it look smoother and younger.
Our energy enhanced structured Living Water further enhances absorption as well as hydration. Living Water has the ability to remove disease markers, and makes pesticides, herbicides, chemicals, toxins, heavy metals & even drug residues non-detectable!
Studies have shown that highly energized foods and supplements can be very beneficial. Our liquid zeolite undergoes a special proprietary high-vibration energy enhancement process to make it work FASTER than other zeolite products.
The zeolite mineral molecule is digested by the humic mineral complex without chemicals or solvents, producing a highly stable and suspended potent bioavailable cell-penetrating supplement. Combining zeolite with humic acid delivers a powerful natural chelating, pH balancing, immune-supporting, and remineralizing supplement.
Zeolites are a group of minerals with a four-sided honeycomb structure and, rare among minerals, a negative magnetic charge. The effect of the structure and the magnetic charge is that zeolite draws heavy metals (including mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, aluminum, tin, excess iron, and even radioactive metals like cesium and strontium-90) and toxins to it and simply engulfs them. The toxins “check-in” and they can’t “check out.” Then the zeolite carries them safely and harmlessly out of the body through the normal elimination process.
Liquid zeolite is extremely safe and is completely eliminated from the body within 5 to 7 hours.
Zeolites are a group of minerals with a four-sided honeycomb structure and, rare among minerals, a negative magnetic charge. The effect of the structure and the magnetic charge is that zeolite draws heavy metals (including mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, aluminum, tin, excess iron, and even radioactive metals like cesium and strontium-90) and toxins to it and simply engulfs them. The toxins “check-in” and they can’t “check out.” Zeolite then carries the toxins safely and harmlessly out of your body through normal digestion.
Zeolites are natural volcanic minerals that are mined in certain parts of the world. When volcanoes erupt, molten lava and thick ash pour out. Because many volcanoes are located on an island or near an ocean, this lava and ash often flow into the sea. Thanks to a chemical reaction between the ash from the volcano and the salt from the sea, amazing minerals like zeolites are formed in the hardened lava over the course of thousands of years.
The name “zeolite” comes from the Greek words zeo (to boil) and lithos (stone).
Toxins poison our air, water, food, and our bodies. We live in a virtual “sea of pollutants”, carrying many toxins and heavy metals inside us. As many as 25% of Americans are estimated to suffer from some degree of heavy metal poisoning, particularly from mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic. According to the EPA, 70,000 chemicals are used commercially in the US, 65,000 of which are potentially hazardous to our health. The Environmental Defense Council reports that more than four billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released into the environment each year, including 72 million pounds of known carcinogens. These synthetic chemicals and heavy metals can be found even in unborn children, being passed on by the mother through the placenta.
Liquid Zeolite will Detoxify your body of these toxic heavy metals
Lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic and more are widely found in our environment and are known as toxic metals. We are exposed to these toxic metals from numerous sources today, including contaminated air, water, soil, and food.
Lead weakens the body severely. It replaces calcium in the bone, weakening them and slowly causing one type of osteoporosis. Lead is incorporated into bone, causes the bio-unavailability of calcium, and displaces calcium. Lead inhibits enzymes associated with hemoglobin synthesis and increases the rate of destruction of red blood cells. It also replaces calcium in the blood cells, damaging the blood. Lead can raise uric acid levels and impair kidney function leading to gout.
Mercury is among the most toxic elements known to man. It is also the most common heavy metal on the earth today. That is why having mercury fillings is such a major challenge to your health. Mercury is found in many prescription and over-the-counter remedies, dental fillings, and vaccines. Hundreds of symptoms may be due to chronic mercury toxicity. It often settles deep in the tissues of the brain, kidneys, and liver.
Cadmium is a very toxic metal and is associated with the development of cancers. Cadmium also powerfully irritates adrenal activity. Cadmium is among the most toxic of the heavy metals. It is a common metal found in marijuana, cigarette smoke, tap water, coffee, some processed and refined foods such as hydrogenated oils, and in foods from the sea, especially shellfish. Cadmium is extremely toxic, with acceptable levels one-tenth that of most of the other toxic metals. Its effects are many, but it mainly affects the kidneys, the cardiovascular system, and is related to cancer.
Arsenic is a very toxic mineral. Arsenic poisoning is extremely common and affects most people today, to some degree. Arsenic is a left-side poison, affecting the heart and the left side of the brain. Arsenic is added to salt. Many herbs are contaminated from soil and water. Many lakes are contaminated with arsenic which poisons the fish. Arsenic is also found in beer, wine, rice, and butter. It is used as a pesticide on fruits and grapes. Arsenic is a powerful enzyme poison and disrupts the adrenal glands.
Avoiding aluminum ingestion altogether is literally impossible. That’s because aluminum is one of the most abundant elements in the soil.
So anything that grows from the ground–or eats things growing from the ground– contains aluminum.
Here are some examples of the average amounts of aluminum found in common foods:
- Wheat and corn: 140 PPM (parts per million)
- Potatoes: 100 PPM
- Lettuce: 90 PPM
- Beans: 165 PPM
- Tomatoes: 90 PPM
- Pineapple: 100 PPM
- Bananas: 97 PPM
- Coffee: 97 PPM
You get the idea: There is no food containing zero aluminum.
Liquid Zeolite doesn't release or leach any aluminum into the body, it attracts and removes aluminum, mercury, heavy metals & toxins found in the body.
The Cleansing Process of Zeolite
Step 1
We start with the purest natural zeolite mineral clinoptilolite that comes from one of the only zeolite mines on Earth fit for human consumption. This zeolite is mechanically processed to yield an ultra-micronized super-fine powder. The zeolite cage size is reduced – 80% to less than 1 micron, the majority to around 1/2 micron in size, while 20% are reduced to 1-5 micron size. The smaller particles can very easily absorb into the bloodstream and even cross the blood-brain barrier. The larger particles work well in the intestine. The multiple-sized cages enable our zeolite to efficiently absorb & remove a large range of toxins, heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, and other harmful substances from every cell in your body quickly and safely, faster than any other detoxification process. We offer the original humic/fulvic liquid zeolite, not an inferior copycat product. We have nearly 13,000 positive feedbacks & testimonials on-file to substantiate that our product works so well!
Step 2
The ultra-micronized natural zeolite powder is added to ultra-purified water in a reaction vessel chamber, sodium (similar to common table salt) is then added to begin the proprietary purification process. In a Cation exchange process, the sodium is exchanged with any present bound impurities (heavy metals and other pollutants).
Step 3
The solution is cooled very rapidly to trigger the separation of toxins from the material, creating a hard layer of toxins that are discarded. This step is repeated over 9 times over a period of 96 hours until all the pollutants have been removed from the reaction vessel chamber.
Step 4
After the toxins have been removed a forced-air and vacuum filtration system removes all soluble toxins and neutralizes the solution. The final filtration yields the activated super-pure & cleansed natural zeolite (clinoptilolite). Ours is the most potent liquid zeolite formulas on the market, but one of the cleanest, purest & naturally cleansed zeolite available, period! We don’t use any harsh chemical reagents such as hydrochloric acid or acetic acid unlike others use in their process. The humic mineral solution delivers the zeolite directly to the intracellular fluid. There, the humic minerals further act to chelate the heavy metals out of the cells so that they can be absorbed by the zeolite and carried out of your body. Humic acid contains all of the minerals, trace minerals, and amino acids that your cells require for optimum functioning. When you detoxify with Zeolite the chelating factor and carrier agency of the humic acid enhances the success zeolite supplementation can have when dealing with your toxic load.
Proprietary Powerful Blend of Ultra-Cleansed Natural Zeolite, Humic and Fulvic Acids & Di-hydro-quercetin, pasteurized to prevent bacterial contamination.
- ultra-cleansed volcanic zeolite (clinoptilolite)
- humic and fulvic acid complex
- DHQ (Dihydroquercetin)
- blend of angstrom-sized trace minerals, phytonutrients, macronutrients & micronutrients
- energized water
- citric acid
- potassium sorbate
Each batch is independently tested for safety. It is manufactured in GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) Certified facility. GMP are guidelines that provide a system of processes, procedures, and documentation to assure the product produced has the identity, strength, composition, quality, and purity that it is represented to possess.
Directions for Use:
Dosage to tolerance: 1 to 5 drops in every glass of water you drink – even the whole bottle in one day is not toxic if you can handle it.
Maintenance: 5 drops (in a glass of water) twice daily.
Therapeutic:15-20 drops (in a glass of water) 4 to 6 times daily.
Recommended Use:
Restore normal immune function to feel great again with this powerfully effective toxin removal (heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides).
30 ml / 1 oz per bottle
Available in a 2 pack, 4 pack, 6 pack, and 12 pack

Ask a Question-
Is your liquid Zeolite as good as other more expensive Zeolite’s sold on the market?
Yes. Also, please note that the manufacturing process used for our Zeolite product does not use heat treatments or harsh chemical reagents. So Bioavailable Zeolite still retains its naturally occurring trace minerals and amino acids whereas some of the more expensive products do not.
After taking Zeolite for about a week, I have noticed that there is an oily substance floating on top of the water after I use the bathroom. Is this normal?
Yes! It is absolutely normal! Many of the toxins that zeolite removes from the body are not water-soluble which is one of the reasons the body has such a hard time removing them (and I’m talking specifically about the dioxins and oil-based pesticides here). So when they bind to the zeolite and are eliminated from the body through our bowels, you may notice an oily substance in the water – usually floating on top.
Other Zeolite products remove the metals naturally present in the zeolite. How does the manufacturer remove the heavy metals from your product?
Zeolite is naturally about 90% free of impurities. That remaining 10% of possible impurities do not get released unless it is heated to temperatures around 740 degrees (hot enough to melt silver) or put under extreme pressure (like that needed to make diamonds from coal). Neither of which occur inside the human body. It has been reported that this is why some government organizations use the zeolite products to remediate low-level radioactive waste – because zeolite will hold onto it and not let go of it forever! So then when the body eliminates the Zeolite naturally through the bowel, the toxins it is holding are also gone.
Can I take liquid zeolites with other liquids besides water?
You can take it with any other drinkable liquids like Juice, Tea, Coffee. It requires water to do its job. Make sure there is enough
We would not suggest to take it with alcohol..
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Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other further questions! Thank you!