Thyroid Hormone Booster
ProBLEN Thyroid is a homeopathic hormone supplement formulated to treat the symptoms associated with low or imbalanced Thyroid.
Do you experience symptoms such as:
- Poor Muscle/Fat Balance
- Dry, Wrinkled Skin
- Low Energy
- Weak Immune System, or
- Depression?
If so an imbalance thyroid may be to blame. ProBLEN Thyroid homeopathic, supplement spray helps combat the signs and symptoms of imbalanced thyroid.
ProBLEN Thyroid homeopathic supplement provides the thyroid with low-potency, identical healthy extracts that naturally inspire your body's own production of thyroid hormones. The results are safe, effective, and free of side effects. Live young and age well when you support one of the most important glands in your body with ProBLEN Thyroid Homeopathic Therapy.
Immune System Support
Immune system malfunctions are the root cause of most diseases, conditions, and health problems. When thyroid levels are too high or too low, it impacts your immune system and your whole body suffers. An overactive immune system can lead to autoimmune disorders, where the immune system attacks the body and misses the real invaders. An underactive immune system isn't strong enough to fight against viruses and bacteria that can cause significant harm. Support your thyroid, and keep your immune system healthy and functioning.
Improved Mood
An unbalanced thyroid can affect your mood, causing issues like anxiety or depression. Generally, the more severe the thyroid issue, the more severe the impact will be on your mood. Hyperthyroidism can lead to nervousness, restlessness, anxiety, and irritability, while hypothyroidism can cause fatigue and depression. ProBLEN natural thyroid supplement can help treat both the emotional and physical symptoms caused by imbalanced thyroid levels.
Metabolism Support
Your thyroid controls the body's metabolism, which controls how the body turns food into energy. When your thyroid is imbalanced it can lead to unwanted and unhealthy weight gain or weight loss. ProBLEN Thyroid can restore that balance and restore your metabolism.
Increased Energy
Because your thyroid makes hormones that control the way the body uses energy, when thyroid hormones are out of balance, so are our energy levels. But, when thyroid hormones stay balanced in the body, energy levels also stay balanced. ProBLEN Thyroid helps boost your energy levels naturally and safely.
Thyroid's Role in Health & Well-Being
The thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of the neck, releases T3 and T4 hormones that travel through the bloodstream, converting calories and oxygen into energy. When this process doesn't work correctly and becomes imbalanced, due to malfunctions within the thyroid, your body feels out of whack. Calories and oxygen cannot properly convert energy and the body begins to show symptoms of immune system break down. You may be more susceptible to sickness and disease and, due to metabolism changes, face either unwanted weight loss or weight gain.
An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) may cause unusual nervousness, restlessness, anxiety, and irritability. The person with high thyroid is always going and doesn't feel like they can stop. On the opposite end, an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can cause mild to severe fatigue and depression. With low thyroid, one may not feel like they have enough energy to get out of bed. Neither extreme leads to a healthy life. That's why keeping the thyroid balanced is essential to good physical and mental health.
In general, thyroid disease can cause symptoms such as:
- Weight gain or loss,
- Bowel movement changes, or
- Menstrual irregularities.
Some signs of low thyroid (hypothyroidism) include:
- Weakness & Tiredness,
- Depression,
- Dry skin or brittle nails, and
- Difficulty standing cold temperatures.
While some signs of high thyroid (hyperthyroidism) include:
- Irregular heartbeat
- Increased appetite
- Tremors
- Night Sweats
- Increased sensitivity to heat, and
- Thinning skin.
Approximately 25 million people suffer from hypothyroidism, but about half are undiagnosed older adults, especially women. Only about one percent (one out of every hundred) of people in the United States have hyperthyroidism.
Thyroid issues are not only uncomfortable, but they can cause real harm to your body. ProBLEN Thyroid Homeopathic supplement reminds the body to produce the right amount of thyroid hormone, avoiding an over or underactive thyroid.
Thyroid's Role in Your Immune System
Diseases ranging from asthma to Crohn's disease to diabetes are all related to immune system malfunctions. When your thyroid levels are too high or too low, the whole body suffers, especially your immune system. When the immune system becomes overactive or underactive the body may develop a host of different immune system diseases. In fact, immune system disorders are on the rise, causing a host of autoimmune diseases. These diseases are a result of immune system overactivity where the body attacks and damages its own tissues leaving it less able to fight real invaders.
Keeping your thyroid healthy plays a pivotal role in keeping the immune system intact and functioning well. When the immune system goes, everything goes with it. Don't take that risk. Order ProBLEN Thyroid Homeopathic Booster and protect your immune system today!
Thyroid's Impact on Energy Levels
Your thyroid makes T3 and T4 hormones that control the way our bodies use energy. These hormones travel through the bloodstream converting calories and oxygen to energy. When one's thyroid is underactive, not enough energy is excreted. A person with low thyroid (hypothyroid) may feel constantly fatigued, weak, cold, and lethargic.
On the other side of the thyroid spectrum, a person with hyperthyroidism has an overactive thyroid gland. This disorder can over-stimulate the nervous system resulting in sleep problems or even night sweats.
Both too much energy and too little energy can have a negative impact on your quality of life. Using ProBLEN Thyroid Booster, you can safely and naturally restore your thyroid levels to a healthy balance so you can rest well and have enough energy to do the activities you enjoy.
Thyroid's Role in Mood Regulation
Natural Thyroid supplements, like ProBLEN Thyroid, can help treat imbalanced effects on a person's mood. When one suffers from an underactive thyroid, low thyroid hormone production can lead to depression or unstable mood. When one's thyroid is overactive, it can lead to unusual nervousness, restlessness, anxiety, and irritability. Generally, the more severe the thyroid issue, the more dramatic the mood changes.
ProBLEN natural thyroid supplement can improve both emotional and physical symptoms caused by imbalanced thyroid. Why wait to feel better? Try ProBLEN Thyroid booster and see how your mood improves.
Active Ingredients Equal Parts Of:
Thyroidinum: 6X
Fucus Vesiculosus: 3X
Kali Iodatum: 6X
Glandula Suprarenalis: 6X
Lapis Albus: 30X
Calcarea Lodata: 12X
Natrum Muriaticum: 30X
Hypophysis: 6X
Spongia Tosta: 6X
Hydrofluoricum Acidum: 12C
Ferrum Metallicum: 12X
Inactive Ingredients: Purified Water 80%, Organic Alcohol 20%
Each 30 ml sublingual spray bottle is a 30 day supply.
Recommended Use: Take 2 sprays under the tongue 3 times a day, or as recommended by your private healthcare provider. The spray should be held under the tongue for about 30 seconds to one minute before swallowing.
The mucus membranes of your mouth should be clean, you may rinse your mouth with water, but you should not brush your teeth or gargle with mouthwash just before taking your dose (see explanation below).
First Dose: The first dose should be taken in the morning. For our HGH and adrenal products this dose should be taken immediately upon awaking in the morning.
Second Dose: The second dose should be taken in the afternoon. For maximum effect those who exercise in the afternoon should take this dose about 30 minutes before exercise. For those who do not exercise in the afternoon, any time between 2 PM to 4 PM is a good time to take this dose. Remember, this is the mid-day dose so it can be moved depending on your schedule.
Third Dose: The last dose should be taken in the evening. For HGH products this dose should be taken the last thing before going to sleep.
Cycling: The first 3 months are considered the loading phase. The recommended cycle is to take the product every day for the first 3 months and after that begin taking the product for 6 days and take each 7th day off. It is also recommended to take about one week off after 3 months of therapy.
Taking Other Health Supplements: You may continue to take your vitamin, mineral, herbal, and amino acid supplements per their schedule while taking our products, as they won't interfere with each other. In fact, the benefits should be better if your body has all the nutrients it needs to function optimally.
The Question of Avoiding Mint and Coffee: Some homeopathic physicians believe that anything that contains strong scents should be avoided. One of the most common substances some homeopaths recommend we avoid is mint and anything that contains mint such as toothpaste, mouthwash, chewing gum, etc.
Today there is much debate as to whether mint has any effect on homeopathic products. It has been believed by some that Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the creator of homeopathy, forbade the use of mint and other strong-smelling substances while taking homeopathic therapy. However, there are others who have stated that new research in the original language of Dr. Hahnemann's writings has shown this may not be the case.
Since we cannot say for certain that mint and other strong-scented substances won't have any effect on the effectiveness of our products we recommend our clients avoid these substances if possible. Clients should have a clean mouth and not have any food flavors lingering. It is a good idea to rinse the mouth with water just before taking a dose.
Mint free toothpaste is now easier to find. Some health stores carry mint free toothpaste and you can purchase homeopathically compatible toothpaste by Auromere and Peelu online and in health stores. Eco-DenT Daily Care Tooth Powder is both mint free and fluoride-free.
*If you cannot find a mint-free toothpaste or mouthwash then make sure to take your dose first and wait for a minimum of 20 minutes after your dose before using any mint or strong-smelling substances.
Some homeopaths believe that caffeine may inactivate the homeopathic action of the product if it is taken too close to the dose time. They believe the effects of some homeopathic medicines may be overwhelmed by caffeine, which possesses a strong physiological action of its own.
*We recommend caffeinated drinks be avoided at least for one hour before and after your dose.
Interactions and Contraindications: No known medication or health supplement interactions or contraindications.
*We do recommend everyone consult their own private healthcare provider regarding taking our products.
Side Effects: You should not see the traditional side effects that one may see when taking a non-homeopathic product. However, you might see some homeopathic effects, which are actually a positive sign that the product is working. Please see this page for more information about possible homeopathic effects when beginning our product.
If You Are Sensitive to Organic Alcohol: High-quality homeopathic products do contain a small amount of organic vegetable alcohol because it helps to hold the potency of the formula stable and enhances absorption. If you are sensitive to alcohol, or if you notice any irritation under your tongue, you can place the sprays in a small amount (10-20 cc) of warm, not hot water for 5-10 minutes to evaporate the alcohol before taking. You should swish the entire liquid around in your mouth for about 30 seconds before swallowing because the ingredients still need to be absorbed through the mucosa of the mouth.
Those who can take liquid cold preparations such as Nyquil should not have a problem with the small amount of alcohol in our products.
How Supplied: Supplied in light protective 30 ml spray bottles. Each bottle is a 30 day supply.
Storage: Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct light, electrical appliances, electromagnetics, and strong scents. These products are stable and maintain potency under normal conditions for at least two years.
Refrigeration is not necessary. The bottles should not be stored in freezing temperatures.
These are precautions since homeopathic products are quite hardy and stable. With proper care some homeopathic preparations over 100 years old have been found to still be effective.
All HPUS guidelines are strictly followed in the manufacturing of ProBLEN products. The bottles are light protective and each bottle is sealed and has an expiration date. Unopened products are stable and maintain potency under normal conditions and care for at least two years.
Each ProBLEN homeopathic product is FDA registered with an NDC number.
Tamper Evident: There is a seal around the bottle. Do not use it if this seal is broken or missing.
Warnings: If you are pregnant or breastfeeding please consult a health professional before using any health product. Keep out of the reach of children. Not for use on children. If symptoms continue to recur, or if sleeplessness persists continuously for more than two weeks, consult a physician. Insomnia may be a symptom of a serious underlying medical illness. As with all medicines, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult a health professional before using this product. Keep out of the reach of children. In case of overdose, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.
Taking ProBLEN Products Together - Combos
The recommended dose for all of our homeopathic sprays is 2 sprays under the tongue 3 times a day.
Our products are made to work synergistically so they may be taken around the same time.
You may take one product after the other.
For instance, take the first spray, hold that spray under your tongue for about 30 seconds to one minute and then swallow any small amount that remains in your mouth. Then take the next spray and hold it under your tongue for about 30 seconds to one minute and then swallow any small amount that remains in your mouth.
Of course, our products do not have to be taken around the same time.
1 fl. oz. or 30 ml.

ProBLEN Thyroid is a homeopathic hormone supplement formulated to treat the symptoms associated with low or imbalanced Thyroid.
Do you experience symptoms such as:
- Poor Muscle/Fat Balance
- Dry, Wrinkled Skin
- Low Energy
- Weak Immune System, or
- Depression?
If so an imbalance thyroid may be to blame. ProBLEN Thyroid homeopathic, supplement spray helps combat the signs and symptoms of imbalanced thyroid.
ProBLEN Thyroid homeopathic supplement provides the thyroid with low-potency, identical healthy extracts that naturally inspire your body's own production of thyroid hormones. The results are safe, effective, and free of side effects. Live young and age well when you support one of the most important glands in your body with ProBLEN Thyroid Homeopathic Therapy.
Immune System Support
Immune system malfunctions are the root cause of most diseases, conditions, and health problems. When thyroid levels are too high or too low, it impacts your immune system and your whole body suffers. An overactive immune system can lead to autoimmune disorders, where the immune system attacks the body and misses the real invaders. An underactive immune system isn't strong enough to fight against viruses and bacteria that can cause significant harm. Support your thyroid, and keep your immune system healthy and functioning.
Improved Mood
An unbalanced thyroid can affect your mood, causing issues like anxiety or depression. Generally, the more severe the thyroid issue, the more severe the impact will be on your mood. Hyperthyroidism can lead to nervousness, restlessness, anxiety, and irritability, while hypothyroidism can cause fatigue and depression. ProBLEN natural thyroid supplement can help treat both the emotional and physical symptoms caused by imbalanced thyroid levels.
Metabolism Support
Your thyroid controls the body's metabolism, which controls how the body turns food into energy. When your thyroid is imbalanced it can lead to unwanted and unhealthy weight gain or weight loss. ProBLEN Thyroid can restore that balance and restore your metabolism.
Increased Energy
Because your thyroid makes hormones that control the way the body uses energy, when thyroid hormones are out of balance, so are our energy levels. But, when thyroid hormones stay balanced in the body, energy levels also stay balanced. ProBLEN Thyroid helps boost your energy levels naturally and safely.
Thyroid's Role in Health & Well-Being
The thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of the neck, releases T3 and T4 hormones that travel through the bloodstream, converting calories and oxygen into energy. When this process doesn't work correctly and becomes imbalanced, due to malfunctions within the thyroid, your body feels out of whack. Calories and oxygen cannot properly convert energy and the body begins to show symptoms of immune system break down. You may be more susceptible to sickness and disease and, due to metabolism changes, face either unwanted weight loss or weight gain.
An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) may cause unusual nervousness, restlessness, anxiety, and irritability. The person with high thyroid is always going and doesn't feel like they can stop. On the opposite end, an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can cause mild to severe fatigue and depression. With low thyroid, one may not feel like they have enough energy to get out of bed. Neither extreme leads to a healthy life. That's why keeping the thyroid balanced is essential to good physical and mental health.
In general, thyroid disease can cause symptoms such as:
- Weight gain or loss,
- Bowel movement changes, or
- Menstrual irregularities.
Some signs of low thyroid (hypothyroidism) include:
- Weakness & Tiredness,
- Depression,
- Dry skin or brittle nails, and
- Difficulty standing cold temperatures.
While some signs of high thyroid (hyperthyroidism) include:
- Irregular heartbeat
- Increased appetite
- Tremors
- Night Sweats
- Increased sensitivity to heat, and
- Thinning skin.
Approximately 25 million people suffer from hypothyroidism, but about half are undiagnosed older adults, especially women. Only about one percent (one out of every hundred) of people in the United States have hyperthyroidism.
Thyroid issues are not only uncomfortable, but they can cause real harm to your body. ProBLEN Thyroid Homeopathic supplement reminds the body to produce the right amount of thyroid hormone, avoiding an over or underactive thyroid.
Thyroid's Role in Your Immune System
Diseases ranging from asthma to Crohn's disease to diabetes are all related to immune system malfunctions. When your thyroid levels are too high or too low, the whole body suffers, especially your immune system. When the immune system becomes overactive or underactive the body may develop a host of different immune system diseases. In fact, immune system disorders are on the rise, causing a host of autoimmune diseases. These diseases are a result of immune system overactivity where the body attacks and damages its own tissues leaving it less able to fight real invaders.
Keeping your thyroid healthy plays a pivotal role in keeping the immune system intact and functioning well. When the immune system goes, everything goes with it. Don't take that risk. Order ProBLEN Thyroid Homeopathic Booster and protect your immune system today!
Thyroid's Impact on Energy Levels
Your thyroid makes T3 and T4 hormones that control the way our bodies use energy. These hormones travel through the bloodstream converting calories and oxygen to energy. When one's thyroid is underactive, not enough energy is excreted. A person with low thyroid (hypothyroid) may feel constantly fatigued, weak, cold, and lethargic.
On the other side of the thyroid spectrum, a person with hyperthyroidism has an overactive thyroid gland. This disorder can over-stimulate the nervous system resulting in sleep problems or even night sweats.
Both too much energy and too little energy can have a negative impact on your quality of life. Using ProBLEN Thyroid Booster, you can safely and naturally restore your thyroid levels to a healthy balance so you can rest well and have enough energy to do the activities you enjoy.
Thyroid's Role in Mood Regulation
Natural Thyroid supplements, like ProBLEN Thyroid, can help treat imbalanced effects on a person's mood. When one suffers from an underactive thyroid, low thyroid hormone production can lead to depression or unstable mood. When one's thyroid is overactive, it can lead to unusual nervousness, restlessness, anxiety, and irritability. Generally, the more severe the thyroid issue, the more dramatic the mood changes.
ProBLEN natural thyroid supplement can improve both emotional and physical symptoms caused by imbalanced thyroid. Why wait to feel better? Try ProBLEN Thyroid booster and see how your mood improves.
Active Ingredients Equal Parts Of:
Thyroidinum: 6X
Fucus Vesiculosus: 3X
Kali Iodatum: 6X
Glandula Suprarenalis: 6X
Lapis Albus: 30X
Calcarea Lodata: 12X
Natrum Muriaticum: 30X
Hypophysis: 6X
Spongia Tosta: 6X
Hydrofluoricum Acidum: 12C
Ferrum Metallicum: 12X
Inactive Ingredients: Purified Water 80%, Organic Alcohol 20%
Each 30 ml sublingual spray bottle is a 30 day supply.
Recommended Use: Take 2 sprays under the tongue 3 times a day, or as recommended by your private healthcare provider. The spray should be held under the tongue for about 30 seconds to one minute before swallowing.
The mucus membranes of your mouth should be clean, you may rinse your mouth with water, but you should not brush your teeth or gargle with mouthwash just before taking your dose (see explanation below).
First Dose: The first dose should be taken in the morning. For our HGH and adrenal products this dose should be taken immediately upon awaking in the morning.
Second Dose: The second dose should be taken in the afternoon. For maximum effect those who exercise in the afternoon should take this dose about 30 minutes before exercise. For those who do not exercise in the afternoon, any time between 2 PM to 4 PM is a good time to take this dose. Remember, this is the mid-day dose so it can be moved depending on your schedule.
Third Dose: The last dose should be taken in the evening. For HGH products this dose should be taken the last thing before going to sleep.
Cycling: The first 3 months are considered the loading phase. The recommended cycle is to take the product every day for the first 3 months and after that begin taking the product for 6 days and take each 7th day off. It is also recommended to take about one week off after 3 months of therapy.
Taking Other Health Supplements: You may continue to take your vitamin, mineral, herbal, and amino acid supplements per their schedule while taking our products, as they won't interfere with each other. In fact, the benefits should be better if your body has all the nutrients it needs to function optimally.
The Question of Avoiding Mint and Coffee: Some homeopathic physicians believe that anything that contains strong scents should be avoided. One of the most common substances some homeopaths recommend we avoid is mint and anything that contains mint such as toothpaste, mouthwash, chewing gum, etc.
Today there is much debate as to whether mint has any effect on homeopathic products. It has been believed by some that Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the creator of homeopathy, forbade the use of mint and other strong-smelling substances while taking homeopathic therapy. However, there are others who have stated that new research in the original language of Dr. Hahnemann's writings has shown this may not be the case.
Since we cannot say for certain that mint and other strong-scented substances won't have any effect on the effectiveness of our products we recommend our clients avoid these substances if possible. Clients should have a clean mouth and not have any food flavors lingering. It is a good idea to rinse the mouth with water just before taking a dose.
Mint free toothpaste is now easier to find. Some health stores carry mint free toothpaste and you can purchase homeopathically compatible toothpaste by Auromere and Peelu online and in health stores. Eco-DenT Daily Care Tooth Powder is both mint free and fluoride-free.
*If you cannot find a mint-free toothpaste or mouthwash then make sure to take your dose first and wait for a minimum of 20 minutes after your dose before using any mint or strong-smelling substances.
Some homeopaths believe that caffeine may inactivate the homeopathic action of the product if it is taken too close to the dose time. They believe the effects of some homeopathic medicines may be overwhelmed by caffeine, which possesses a strong physiological action of its own.
*We recommend caffeinated drinks be avoided at least for one hour before and after your dose.
Interactions and Contraindications: No known medication or health supplement interactions or contraindications.
*We do recommend everyone consult their own private healthcare provider regarding taking our products.
Side Effects: You should not see the traditional side effects that one may see when taking a non-homeopathic product. However, you might see some homeopathic effects, which are actually a positive sign that the product is working. Please see this page for more information about possible homeopathic effects when beginning our product.
If You Are Sensitive to Organic Alcohol: High-quality homeopathic products do contain a small amount of organic vegetable alcohol because it helps to hold the potency of the formula stable and enhances absorption. If you are sensitive to alcohol, or if you notice any irritation under your tongue, you can place the sprays in a small amount (10-20 cc) of warm, not hot water for 5-10 minutes to evaporate the alcohol before taking. You should swish the entire liquid around in your mouth for about 30 seconds before swallowing because the ingredients still need to be absorbed through the mucosa of the mouth.
Those who can take liquid cold preparations such as Nyquil should not have a problem with the small amount of alcohol in our products.
How Supplied: Supplied in light protective 30 ml spray bottles. Each bottle is a 30 day supply.
Storage: Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct light, electrical appliances, electromagnetics, and strong scents. These products are stable and maintain potency under normal conditions for at least two years.
Refrigeration is not necessary. The bottles should not be stored in freezing temperatures.
These are precautions since homeopathic products are quite hardy and stable. With proper care some homeopathic preparations over 100 years old have been found to still be effective.
All HPUS guidelines are strictly followed in the manufacturing of ProBLEN products. The bottles are light protective and each bottle is sealed and has an expiration date. Unopened products are stable and maintain potency under normal conditions and care for at least two years.
Each ProBLEN homeopathic product is FDA registered with an NDC number.
Tamper Evident: There is a seal around the bottle. Do not use it if this seal is broken or missing.
Warnings: If you are pregnant or breastfeeding please consult a health professional before using any health product. Keep out of the reach of children. Not for use on children. If symptoms continue to recur, or if sleeplessness persists continuously for more than two weeks, consult a physician. Insomnia may be a symptom of a serious underlying medical illness. As with all medicines, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult a health professional before using this product. Keep out of the reach of children. In case of overdose, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.
Taking ProBLEN Products Together - Combos
The recommended dose for all of our homeopathic sprays is 2 sprays under the tongue 3 times a day.
Our products are made to work synergistically so they may be taken around the same time.
You may take one product after the other.
For instance, take the first spray, hold that spray under your tongue for about 30 seconds to one minute and then swallow any small amount that remains in your mouth. Then take the next spray and hold it under your tongue for about 30 seconds to one minute and then swallow any small amount that remains in your mouth.
Of course, our products do not have to be taken around the same time.
1 fl. oz. or 30 ml.

Customer Reviews
Ask a Question-
What health benefits does iodine supplement provide?
Iodine is an essential trace element that is vital for normal growth and the development of the body. Around 60% of the iodine in the human body is stored in the thyroid gland. Iodine plays an important role in maintaining optimal energy levels of the body by ensuring the efficient utilization of calories, without allowing them to be deposited as excess fats. Some of the health benefits of iodine also include the formation of healthy and shiny skin, teeth, and hair.
Most people are not aware that iodine can be a major booster for the immune system. It is also stimulates the activity of antioxidants throughout the body to provide a strong defensive measure against various diseases, including heart diseases and cancer. If you are not getting enough iodine daily, you may not have as much energy as you would otherwise.
Subsequently, inadequate intake of iodine can adversely affect the muscle, heart, liver, kidney and the developing brain. Some of symptoms of iodine deficiency include depression, difficulty losing weight, dry skin, headaches, lethargy, memory problems, sensitivity to cold, cold hands and feet, brain fog, thinning hair, constipation, shortness of breath, impaired kidney function, and muscle weakness and joint stiffness.
One of the best ways to ensure you are getting adequate iodine is to add iodine supplements in your diet. In fact, the intention of U.S. manufacturers iodizing table salt in the 1920s was to prevent iodine deficiencies. -
How do I know Problen homeopathic sprays are effective compared to HGH injections?
Although homeopathic sprays are of homeopathic potencies, these sprays contain enough human growth hormone. Problen homeopathy products have been asigned its own National Drug Code number by the FDA, which indicates that FDA regulates our products as hoemopathic medicines.
The pharmaceutical human growth hormone molecule itself is indeed too large to be absorbed under the tongue. In fact as far as we know this web site was the first to state this fact back in 1999. If you placed a dose of HGH injection under your tongue it would not be effective, but this is not what you do when you use a homeopathic spray. Homeopathic sprays work because during the very involved homeopathic process the electromagnetic energies of the growth hormone molecules are transferred into the water lattice of the base solution and so the solution itself becomes potentiated by the HGH. This potentiated solution is then absorbed under the tongue successfully.
Homeopathy is based upon helping the body to heal itself using homeopathic potencies of the active ingredient. Homeopathic sprays are not meant to be a full hormone replacement therapy and deliver all the growth hormone the body needs because this will shut down the pituitary gland's own release of HGH. High quality U.S. made homeopathic sprays that contain homeopathic human growth hormone are the smart choice because they can provide benefits safely. -
What is Human Growth Hormone?
HGH is an important chemical messenger secreted by the pituitary gland. HGH production in high quantities is essential to growth during childhood and adolescence, but also must remain present at lower levels as we age to maintain our health and vitality. At 40 years of age, blood levels of HGH may be 60% lower than at age 20. Decreases in human growth hormone are often accompanied by the so-called symptoms of aging. It is important to remember that everyones HGH production declines significantly as they age.
What is homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a very unique system of medicine because, when properly formulated, it is both powerful and non toxic. In ordinary pharmaceutical medicines, this combination is very rare. The science of homeopathy is over 200 years old.
Homeopathy is based on the premise that certain natural substances can stimulate the body?s own healing systems-allowing the body to heal itself. After symptoms of a condition have been relieved, correctly formulated homeopathy can then work to reestablish internal; order at the deepest levels. Because very small doses are used, all this can be accomplished without negative side effects.
Homeopathy uses a full range of ingredients-botanical, mineral and animal. The FDA approved homeopathy as a medicine in 1938. Homeopathic hormone supplements are fully regulated by the FDA. -
Is it safe to take several Problen remedies together?
Yes, it is safe and effective to combine two or more remedies either by spraying them under the tongue, one after the other, or by spraying them all in a glass containing an ounce or two of water or juice, then swallowing.
Are Problen homeopathic hormone supplements Doctor Formulated?
Yes, all Problen homeopathic hormone supplements are formulated by an extraordinary homeopathic doctor who has been using these formulas successfully in his practice for 30 years. Our doctor attended medical school in Italy and homeopathic school in Germany.
Some claim that plastic spray caps may damage the HGH. Is this true?
This claim is also not true. Our spray caps do not damage the product. Again, if the bottle, cap, alcohol, etc., damaged our product then we could not have the positive clinical study results that we have. This is another example of companies or distributors grasping at straws, trying to find some reason to convince you to buy their product when they have no legitimate IGF-1 clinical study results to show.
Some claim that plastic spray caps may damage the HGH. Is this true?
This claim is also not true. Our spray caps do not damage the product. Again, if the bottle, cap, alcohol, etc., damaged our product then we could not have the positive clinical study results that we have. This is another example of companies or distributors grasping at straws, trying to find some reason to convince you to buy their product when they have no legitimate IGF-1 clinical study results to show.
Are your bottles light protective?
Yes, of course, and they have been since 1999! Our bottles are of the highest quality and meet or exceed all standards. We have heard that some sellers of other products are claiming they are the only ones who use a light protective bottle. Our bottles have always been light protective.
What is your source of pituitary extract and liver extract?
Our source for these important glandulars is USDA tested and safe North American bovine. The North American bovine is harvested, tested, freeze dried and quarantined. Once it is in the product, it is tested once more to ensure no presence of contaminants.
In regards to the concerns surrounding Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), we wish to advise you as follows:
We do not purchase, process, or offer for sale any bovine products originating from any country in which Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) is currently known to exist. These countries are identified and listed as "Restricted" for the importation of ruminants, meat and meat products from ruminants, and certain other ruminant products by the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service as it was published in the Federal Register: January 6, 1998 (Volume 63, Number 3), Rules and Regulations, pages 406-408.
The countries which have been identified as BSE affected are Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, The Republic of Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Romania, The Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom (Great Britain, Northern Ireland, and the Falkland Islands.
The plant in which we purchase our glandular ingredients raises animals specifically for pharmaceutical use. The plant is registered with both the USDA (#5805) and the FDA (Establishment #1920841). The plant is inspected by both the FDA and the USDA and our processing records are reviewed by both agencies. -
Is it best to take ProBLEN supplement(s) before or after a meal?
When using ProBLEN homeopathic supplements the most important thing to remember is to have a clean mouth free of any food or flavor particles (including mint and coffee). We generally recommend taking your ProBLEN homeopathic hormone boosters and detox supplement sprays before meals for this reason. Our homeopathic sprays are absorbed into your system within seconds and can be taken back-to-back, just allow a minute after taking the sprays before eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth.
When using ProBLEN nutritional supplements, depending on the sensitivity of your stomach, it may be best taken after a meal. -
What is the recommended dosage?
2 sprays 3 times a day is the recommended dosage for all ProBLEN Hormone Boosters and Detox Supplements. Because ProBLEN formulas are non toxic, its fine to take additional dosages. Every one is a unique individual so some people may benefit from additional dosages while others may take less.
Should I expect any negative side effects when taking ProBLEN remedies?
No, you should experience no negative side effects. However, if your body reacts very quickly to a particular remedy, it is possible to feel some signs of slight discomfort. This is a positive indication that the remedy is working. Should this occur, simply reduce the number of sprays in half. The dosage can then be increased to normal after 3 to 4 days.
Why are Problen homeopathic hormone supplements subject to comprehensive regulation by the FDA?
The FDA recognizes Problen homeopathic supplements as medicines able to relieve symptoms and to treat underlying health conditions. Because our homeopathic hormone supplements are medicines, the FDA maintains full oversight over our many formulations, manufacturing procedures, product claims and labeling. Problen has received a National Drug Code Number from the FDA for each of its homeopathic hormone supplements.
Are Problen Anti Aging supplements Manufactured with a FDA Registered Drug Manufacturer?
Yes, all supplements offered by ProBLEN are made by a FDA Registered Drug Manufacturer and a FDA Registered Vitamin (Food) Manufacturer.
The FDA recognizes ProBLEN homeopathic products as medicine to relieve symptoms and treat health conditions. Because homeopathic remedies are regulated by the FDA in the same manner as nonprescription, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, the FDA maintains full oversight over ProBLEN formulations, manufacturing procedures, product claims, and labeling. ProBLEN has been awarded a National Drug Code (NDC) Number from the FDA for each of its homeopathic products.
All of our supplements are FDA regulated, meeting or exceeding all FDA Guidelines for Good Manufacturing practices. All of our supplements undergo a rigorous testing regimen prior to release for sale.
Note: You can find evidence that the FDA considers homeopathic products to be OTC Drugs in FDA Compliance Policy Guide #7132.15. -
When should I expect to feel the benefits from using Thyroid Homeopathic Thyroid Health by Problen?
Many of our clients begin to feel benefits from the product in the first month but for optimal benefits, we recommend using the product as directed for 3 months.