Love Ormus Oil
Ormus Oils
Love Ormus Oil contains Ormus and a special aphrodisiac Essential Oil blend in Grapeseed Oil. Love Ormus Oil stimulates the senses, drawing in your love mate, allowing you to connect with each other at the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels simultaneously, while accessing the creativity and fire of your sexual energy.
- Stimulates the senses, connecting you to your physical body and the fire of your creativity and sexual energy, irresistibly drawing your mate to you
- Provides Quantum Nutrition in the form of concentrated Ormus to strengthen the Energy Bodies and perfect the physical body
- Ormus aids in spiritual development by raising consciousness levels, increasing feelings of connection with the Divine, and enhancing natural psychic abilities
- Grapeseed Oil is naturally high in Ormus and absorbs quickly into the skin, delivering Quantum Nutrition and targeted healing
Ormus is the term used to refer to a range of normally metallic elements that are in a spectroscopically invisible non-metallic form (m-state = metaphysical state). Research into Ormus suggests that when these elements are in their non-metallic form, they have superconductive properties that interact with the Light Body at the quantum level to enhance your spiritual and physical evolution.
Grapeseed Oil is an excellent carrier oil for Ormus as it is naturally high in m-Rhodium and m-Iridium, the "healing" Ormus minerals. It is also high in essential fatty acids, anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals. This light oil is good for all skin types, especially for skin types that do not absorb oils well. It aids in collagen production and keeps cell membranes healthy. Grapeseed Oil is a light massage oil, absorbing into the skin quickly to allow for deep penetration and providing a satin-like finish.
The most effective way is to do an all-over body massage. One can also simply apply Ormus Oils anywhere on the skin where it is needed most and the Ormus and essential oils are absorbed into, and circulated throughout, the physical and energetic bodies to do their work
Love Ormus Oil contains Ormus and a special aphrodisiac Essential Oil blend in Grapeseed Oil. Love Ormus Oil stimulates the senses, drawing in your love mate, allowing you to connect with each other at the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels simultaneously, while accessing the creativity and fire of your sexual energy.
- Stimulates the senses, connecting you to your physical body and the fire of your creativity and sexual energy, irresistibly drawing your mate to you
- Provides Quantum Nutrition in the form of concentrated Ormus to strengthen the Energy Bodies and perfect the physical body
- Ormus aids in spiritual development by raising consciousness levels, increasing feelings of connection with the Divine, and enhancing natural psychic abilities
- Grapeseed Oil is naturally high in Ormus and absorbs quickly into the skin, delivering Quantum Nutrition and targeted healing
Ormus is the term used to refer to a range of normally metallic elements that are in a spectroscopically invisible non-metallic form (m-state = metaphysical state). Research into Ormus suggests that when these elements are in their non-metallic form, they have superconductive properties that interact with the Light Body at the quantum level to enhance your spiritual and physical evolution.
Grapeseed Oil is an excellent carrier oil for Ormus as it is naturally high in m-Rhodium and m-Iridium, the "healing" Ormus minerals. It is also high in essential fatty acids, anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals. This light oil is good for all skin types, especially for skin types that do not absorb oils well. It aids in collagen production and keeps cell membranes healthy. Grapeseed Oil is a light massage oil, absorbing into the skin quickly to allow for deep penetration and providing a satin-like finish.
The most effective way is to do an all-over body massage. One can also simply apply Ormus Oils anywhere on the skin where it is needed most and the Ormus and essential oils are absorbed into, and circulated throughout, the physical and energetic bodies to do their work
Ask a Question-
What are the differences between the Quintessential Alchemy Spagyric Tinctures and the Ormus Oil products?
In general, these are very different. Technically, the tinctures do not contain Ormus specifically (although in theory everything contains Ormus and since the tinctures are in essence concentrated from plants, they probably do contain a fair bit of Ormus, but that is not something to really bring up because Ormus is not specifically added to the tinctures nor was it the focus when making them).
The tinctures are made using real alchemical procedures and they are not just a typical herbal tincture that one can make by soaking herbs in alcohol. Alchemically, there are many more steps than this, along with using esoteric timing, etc. But for practical purposes, one could use the set for general wellbeing and balancing, or they can use a specific tincture for a specific purpose. For example, if someone wanted to improve their memory and mental focus, or to boost their self-esteem or personal power, then they would choose the Rosemary tincture. But if they wanted to balance their hormones (especially women) and get in touch with feminine, lunar qualities, then they would choose the Maca. Each tincture has a detailed description of why and for what the tinctures can be used. -
What is Ormus?
Ormus is the term used to refer to a range of normally metallic elements that are in a spectroscopically invisible non-metallic form (m-state = metaphysical state). Research into Ormus suggests that when these elements are in their non-metallic form, they have superconductive properties that interact with the Energetic Bodies at the quantum level for spiritual and physical benefit.
In these Ormus Oil products, Ormus is added in the form of an oil. The skin is our largest organ, and generally anything that we put on it gets absorbed into our bloodstream and is carried to our cells. Oils that naturally have Ormus, life force, creation, and immortality energies in them are taken and enhanced through alchemical processes.
When applied to the skin, not only does the Ormus interact directly with your aura, but also it is transdermally absorbed into your body, into every cell, increasing effective cell-to-cell communication and strengthening the light body. In addition to Ormus, different oils have different beneficial properties in and of themselves for the physical body, which work synergistically with Ormus. As an added bonus, Ormus Oils provide an excellent source of magnesium that absorbs easily through the skin. -
What is alchemy and how is it used to make Ormus Oil products?
Alchemy is performed in three worlds at once: the spiritual, the elemental, and the material. The Highest Self, Divine Source, the elementals, and the Devas and nature intelligences of the material that is being worked with is always enlisted to assist in the ceremony of manifesting Ormus. All processes are performed with Intention for the Highest Good for all.
The goal of alchemy is to transform the base or common into the pure or rare. Alchemy can be considered to be the transmutation of matter into spirit. Or matter into light. To transmute matter into light means to raise its vibrational frequency – from a base, mundane state (low frequency, dense, slow matter) to a pure exalted state (high frequency, high energy light).
Matter of the noble metals and platinum group elements are transmuted into their exalted light state where they are then used to build up the immortal light body to achieve spiritual and physical perfection. This exalted material is called Ormus and effects achieved include increased spiritual perception and psychic abilities, the balancing of the left and right hemispheres of the brain with experience of the “hu” sound, a higher perception of reality as interconnected and whole, and awakening the kundalini for a full incarnation of higher dimensional forces and energies, thereby strengthening and healing the etheric and physical body. -
What are some of the effects experienced with Ormus?
In general, the effects most commonly experienced with Ormus are an expansion of consciousness, raising of consciousness levels, enhanced psychic awareness and intuition, access to innate psychic abilities, enhanced dreaming, greater cohesion between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, a feeling of connection to the Divine and others, and a feeling of physical well-being and vitality.
However, it is important to note that every person is different and so each will experience different effects. Your experiences are determined in large part by where you are currently physically and spiritually. Some people feel nothing for a while, and others feel something immediately.
The effects you experience with Ormus depends on where you are at now and what you need. But that is the great thing about Ormus - it will always give you what you need, even if you don't know that you needed it. -
If someone is new to Ormus and can only purchase 1 product, which product will make the most impact for their first experience?
Whether someone should purchase a manna or an oil or lotion, mist, etc. depends on what they want to accomplish. If they just want the overall benefits of Ormus just in itself- increasing the Ormus elements in their bodies to increase overall health and strengthening the subtle bodies, then I recommend a Manna. Which Manna depends on what they need. If they are just starting out with Ormus but have no specific health condition, then the Sea-11 is best because it contains all the Ormus elements in their naturally occurring ratio. If they want to go straight for the Manna with the most Ormus impact (because it is highest in gold), then the Dead Sea Gold Manna is the best (and most popular - it is the quintessential source of Ormus and is what is used in all of the lotions, oils, mists, etc.). If they need healing, then the Great Salt Lake Manna is the best because of it having a higher amount of the healing ormus elements m-rhodium and m-iridium. The Mannas contain the highest concentration of Ormus of all of these products and are best for getting the benefits of Ormus in general.
However, if someone has a specific issue they want to address (sore knee, wrinkles, scar tissue, opening and balancing a specific chakra, opening to love, etc.), then they turn to the oils, lotions, or mists. Which form they choose (oil, lotion, or mist) depends on what application method they prefer. The oil is a great way to carry the Ormus and essential oils into the skin, but some do not like feeling oily, so that is why the lotions were created. Some like the idea of a mist. Just different ways of applying the same thing based on the preference of the customer. And which recipe they choose is based on what issue they want to address, and that information can be found in the product descriptions. -
Why are essential oils added to the products?
The essential oils really add another dimension to the Ormus, not only on the physical level because of the associated benefits of essential oils in and of themselves, but also because they add an energetic resonance to the Ormus. From an alchemical perspective, the essential oils of a plant correspond to the plant's soul, while the Ormus would be more analogous to the spirit. So, the spirit is the undifferentiated essence of the All, but the soul is an individualized portion of spirit that has a purpose to fulfill. So this is what adding essential oils does to Ormus - it ensouls Ormus into a specific identity, focusing the power of Ormus into a specific purpose: opening and balancing the root chakra, easing joint pain, or smoothing wrinkles, as examples. So, combining Ormus with essential oils and then putting that into the oils, lotions, and mists that people can apply to specific areas of their body (or all over!) as needed is what makes this Ormus different from everyone else's.
Can I mix this lotion/oil with other products, such as magnesium gel USP grade?
Ormus naturally has magnesium, so the oil and lotions have magnesium in them. All of these Ormus products are a source of magnesium, either topically applied, or ingested, as is the case for the Mannas.
Is there a way to over do it or can people take an oral Ormus, use the lotion/oil, mist, and manna all on the same day?
There is a limit to how much Manna a person can/should take each day, but that is individual for that person. A clear sign that the person took too much is diarrhea (the magnesium!) but otherwise, taking too much will do no harm - it is just a waste.
A person can combine different forms of Ormus as much as they want. Ideally, a person would take a Manna once or twice a day for general health and getting in their Ormus, but then also use an oil, lotion, and/or mist (these can all be combined and used together in different ways with no limit) for specific issues that they would also want to address. For example, the Cold Fire Ormus Oil is wonderful for helping with joint pain, so that person would take one of the Mannas in the morning and then apply the Cold Fire to their knee every few hours throughout the day as needed, without worrying about getting too much Ormus. -
What is the minimum amount that should be used/taken for a person who does not have a lot of extra time?
If the person does not have a very specific issue, then it is recommended that they use one of the Mannas. They have the highest concentration of Ormus, they are time efficient, and they work system-wide. The oils, lotions, and mist can also work system-wide, especially if one were to apply them all over the body (such as one would do with a body lotion) and that is certainly an option too. Lots of women apply scented body lotions after their shower, for example, and the Ormus oils, lotions, and mists can be used in exactly the same way.
Why is this particular Ormus superior to other brands?
Here is a statement from the creator of these Ormus products, Crystal Nance: When my father, and later me, first started making Ormus, we were one of the few. Now, everyone is making Manna! There is a book available detailing how to make it and other resources available, so learning how to make Ormus Manna is common knowledge for those who want to make it for themselves or to sell to others. So, if the person made it correctly then, in theory, their Ormus may be pretty much the same from someone else's who made it correctly. But, that is the key. A lot of people who make it don't do it correctly because they don't take the time to figure out why it is made a certain way. They think they can cut corners or substitute key ingredients. My father learned from the original person (known as The Essene) way back in the 1990's when Ormus was first being rediscovered, and I learned from my father. Also, as I mentioned before, everyone can makes Ormus Manna or even Ormus Oils - these instructions are out there - but what makes my Ormus oils, lotions, and mists unique, besides the fact that most people just stick with the Mannas (making the oils, lotions, and mists require more work on top of making the initial Ormus), are the essential oil blends that I created to achieve different, specific benefits. So, as far as why my Ormus Manna is superior is because I make it correctly according to the best, sacred method handed down from the Essene and have been doing it for 12+ years now (my father has been making it since the 1990's!). Not many people today can say this. And then, of course, I have talked about why my Ormus Oils, lotions, mists, are unique and superior.