Thyrodine Thyroid Health - Atomic Iodine
TransDerma Minerals
Thyrodine supports and protects your thyroid gland (even from radiation damage), balances hormones (reduce mood swings), and strengthens immunity.
- Better Energy Management, Endurance
- Reduced joint and muscle pains
- Improved elasticity of muscles and tendons
- Faster healing and repair from injuries
- Clearer Thinking, Less Brain Fog
- More Insulin Sensitivity, Better Blood Glucose Management
- Improved Sweating Mechanism for Detoxification
- Better Elimination
- Decreased Menstrual Problems (PMS, mood swings)
- Reduced Body Odors (vaginal, foot, underarm, etc.)
- Lower Chance of Miscarriage
- Effective on Ringworm, and Toenail fungus
- Warmer Hands and Feet (thermoregulation)
What if you could get an optimal level of iodine into your blood and tissues without mega-dosing?
Your thyroid would have the necessary nutrients it needs to support its proper function without concern for having too much.
Nascent iodine, or detoxified atomic iodine, made to the specification introduced by Edgar Cayce, is non-toxic, highly absorbable, and effective.
Your thyroid gland is one of your body’s largest endocrine glands (secretes their hormones directly into your blood). It controls how quickly you use energy, how you make proteins, and how sensitive your body should be to other hormones. The thyroid does this by utilizing both iodine and tyrosine to aid in the production of thyroid hormones such as T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine). Without proper levels of iodine, your thyroid would not be able to maintain the production of T3 and T4, and deficiencies can occur.
Solutions? Allopathic medicine says that the microscopic amount of iodine put in table salt is sufficient to meet man’s physiological needs. While a more radical school of natural health speaks of taking grams (thousands of milligrams) of iodine at a time and how that is safe. As with everything the truth lies between these two extremes. Those who advocate taking no iodine are trying to make customers for the medical industry. Those who advocate a very high iodine intake are trying to get past its lack of absorption by pumping in more, even if it causes toxicity (which according to toxicology might be had at a level of dosing above 1000 mcg. daily).
Atomic Iodine
Iodine is an essential trace element for life. Iodine’s main role is for the making of the thyroid hormone thyroxin. Your thyroid gland actively absorbs iodide from your blood to make and release the hormones T3 and T4 into your blood, actions which are regulated by a second hormone TSH from your pituitary. If your intake of iodine is low, then your thyroid hormone level will be low as well.
In the event of a release of a radioactive isotope of iodine (I-131) is one of the toxins found in radioactive fallout. The thyroid absorbs this isotope and this causes serious damage to the thyroid gland. Taking iodine before, and even after a nuclear event, keeps the body from absorbing the isotope into the thyroid.
Atomic iodine tincture, 1%, grain alcohol.
The solution is activated electromagnetically (to ensure rapid absorption in your body) using the 358.1 low-temperature Cayce method which yields the most stable 99% active nascent iodine.
Each drop contains approximately 220 mcg of iodine and can be used internally or topically.
Directions for Use:
1 to 12 drops daily as a dietary supplement. Increase slowly to get your activation dose.
Each bottle contains approximately 240 drops.
Recommended Use:
Support and protect your thyroid (even from radiation damage), helps balance hormones to reduce hormonal swings and regulates reproductive organs (ovaries and breasts in women, prostate in men).
0.5 fl. oz. / 15 ml
1 fl. oz. / 30 ml

Thyrodine supports and protects your thyroid gland (even from radiation damage), balances hormones (reduce mood swings), and strengthens immunity.
- Better Energy Management, Endurance
- Reduced joint and muscle pains
- Improved elasticity of muscles and tendons
- Faster healing and repair from injuries
- Clearer Thinking, Less Brain Fog
- More Insulin Sensitivity, Better Blood Glucose Management
- Improved Sweating Mechanism for Detoxification
- Better Elimination
- Decreased Menstrual Problems (PMS, mood swings)
- Reduced Body Odors (vaginal, foot, underarm, etc.)
- Lower Chance of Miscarriage
- Effective on Ringworm, and Toenail fungus
- Warmer Hands and Feet (thermoregulation)
What if you could get an optimal level of iodine into your blood and tissues without mega-dosing?
Your thyroid would have the necessary nutrients it needs to support its proper function without concern for having too much.
Nascent iodine, or detoxified atomic iodine, made to the specification introduced by Edgar Cayce, is non-toxic, highly absorbable, and effective.
Your thyroid gland is one of your body’s largest endocrine glands (secretes their hormones directly into your blood). It controls how quickly you use energy, how you make proteins, and how sensitive your body should be to other hormones. The thyroid does this by utilizing both iodine and tyrosine to aid in the production of thyroid hormones such as T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine). Without proper levels of iodine, your thyroid would not be able to maintain the production of T3 and T4, and deficiencies can occur.
Solutions? Allopathic medicine says that the microscopic amount of iodine put in table salt is sufficient to meet man’s physiological needs. While a more radical school of natural health speaks of taking grams (thousands of milligrams) of iodine at a time and how that is safe. As with everything the truth lies between these two extremes. Those who advocate taking no iodine are trying to make customers for the medical industry. Those who advocate a very high iodine intake are trying to get past its lack of absorption by pumping in more, even if it causes toxicity (which according to toxicology might be had at a level of dosing above 1000 mcg. daily).
Atomic Iodine
Iodine is an essential trace element for life. Iodine’s main role is for the making of the thyroid hormone thyroxin. Your thyroid gland actively absorbs iodide from your blood to make and release the hormones T3 and T4 into your blood, actions which are regulated by a second hormone TSH from your pituitary. If your intake of iodine is low, then your thyroid hormone level will be low as well.
In the event of a release of a radioactive isotope of iodine (I-131) is one of the toxins found in radioactive fallout. The thyroid absorbs this isotope and this causes serious damage to the thyroid gland. Taking iodine before, and even after a nuclear event, keeps the body from absorbing the isotope into the thyroid.
Atomic iodine tincture, 1%, grain alcohol.
The solution is activated electromagnetically (to ensure rapid absorption in your body) using the 358.1 low-temperature Cayce method which yields the most stable 99% active nascent iodine.
Each drop contains approximately 220 mcg of iodine and can be used internally or topically.
Directions for Use:
1 to 12 drops daily as a dietary supplement. Increase slowly to get your activation dose.
Each bottle contains approximately 240 drops.
Recommended Use:
Support and protect your thyroid (even from radiation damage), helps balance hormones to reduce hormonal swings and regulates reproductive organs (ovaries and breasts in women, prostate in men).
0.5 fl. oz. / 15 ml
1 fl. oz. / 30 ml

Customer Reviews
Ask a Question-
What health benefits does iodine supplement provide?
Iodine is an essential trace element that is vital for normal growth and the development of the body. Around 60% of the iodine in the human body is stored in the thyroid gland. Iodine plays an important role in maintaining optimal energy levels of the body by ensuring the efficient utilization of calories, without allowing them to be deposited as excess fats. Some of the health benefits of iodine also include the formation of healthy and shiny skin, teeth, and hair.
Most people are not aware that iodine can be a major booster for the immune system. It is also stimulates the activity of antioxidants throughout the body to provide a strong defensive measure against various diseases, including heart diseases and cancer. If you are not getting enough iodine daily, you may not have as much energy as you would otherwise.
Subsequently, inadequate intake of iodine can adversely affect the muscle, heart, liver, kidney and the developing brain. Some of symptoms of iodine deficiency include depression, difficulty losing weight, dry skin, headaches, lethargy, memory problems, sensitivity to cold, cold hands and feet, brain fog, thinning hair, constipation, shortness of breath, impaired kidney function, and muscle weakness and joint stiffness.
One of the best ways to ensure you are getting adequate iodine is to add iodine supplements in your diet. In fact, the intention of U.S. manufacturers iodizing table salt in the 1920s was to prevent iodine deficiencies. -
How much do I need to take of this product?
Human population has large variability with regards to how much we "need". It depends on the ancestry of a person. If someone lived on or near a coast, then naturally they had an ample supply of iodine in their system. If someone lived more inland, then of course they have managed to live on less iodine.
For example, someone from Japan or Taiwan may need more iodine than someone from Central Europe or Mongolia. Simply put, there is no exact instructions because the biological individuality overrides the general instructions. Use what is right for you. You can rub on your skin but we do not advise this, as it might discolor your skin. However, in the case of an emergency, it can be used as a disinfectant.
Here is what we suggest: Check your oral temparature in the morning before you get out of bed. Write it down and keep tract. The average normal temperature is around 98.6 degrees.
If the reading is a bit lower or colder than above first thing in the morning, then you may need more drops. If your temperature reading was a bit higher, than you may need less. We suggest that you start at 2 to 4 drops in the water in the morning, with however much water you like, because the taste of the drops (undiluted with water) may be too strong for some people.
Observe the effects of the product on your body daily. Some customers may take up to 24 drops a day. Some take 6 drops a day. Everyone is different. Therefore, to each his or her own.
The iodine in our formulation is also known as detoxified nascant iodine, and it also happens to be non-toxic! It is made to the specifications as laid out by Edgar Cayce (aka the sleeping profit in the 1940's).
Thank you so much for your question! We hope this helped!